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About Fredde

  • Birthday 22/12/1983

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  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden

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  • Car(s)
    R33 GTR V-Spec
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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Thanks, then i dont have to get worried until i can get the car properly tuned.. Never heard about the constant knock readings before.. Better be safe than sorry
  2. So i solved the idle issue, dont really know if this is a problem but have to ask to be sure.. Had a testdrive and the commander showed small knock readings all the time, 10-13 constantly without any load. Dropps to zero if the gas is released and break with the engine. Tried to back the ignition 3 degrees, also tried to add more fuel but the knock doesnt change, could there be something else causing the sensors to go mad? Did try to put some load to the engine too and got a max reading at 24, but the main concerne is the constant knock.. /Fredrik
  3. Problem solved! Did try to redo the idle setup but had the same problem, even without anything on.. Added some fuel to the idle cell got rid of the rev-bounce so i did a complete reset and added fuel to the idle cell before i started the car. After that everything worked perfectly. Thaks to everyone who answered /Fredrik
  4. Ok, will try without the aircon later today (it´s still early in the morning here in Sweden). Oh, forgot to ask in the last post.. Should i see any changes at the idle point in the ign/inj maps after the idle is set or where does it store the "self-learned-idle-stuff" Thanks for the help /Fredrik
  5. Not what i can remember, the only activity in the sw check is the ac switching of, then the rev drops and starts bouncing. didn´t check the battery voltage, the batt is quite new so i doubt that it would cause the problems, can check it again though. I also tried to reset and start all over again a few times without any changes. The engine was warm when i did the self learn, will try without switching the aircon on. Is there any sign from the pfc when the self learn is finnished or that the self learn have started/is processing? I also saw some people having problems when they had a a-lsd, could it be related to my problems since i have a v-spec? But that was more about the a-lsd light, mine doesnt show anything strange Regards Fredrik
  6. Tried to search but didnt find any good answeres.. Installed my Power fc today and started the car, got a good idle after a while and 10 min later i turned on the aircon. The idle bounces between 400 and 1200 rpm and dosent stop.. somtimes it idles fine for a while but starts bouncing again, oftenly at the same time as the ac turns off. had the car running for 1,5h but it doesnt get better. Does anyone have a solution? Car is R33 GTR V-spec with basic mods, filters, exhaust, larger ic. /Fredrik
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