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Everything posted by ~Astro~

  1. ^^ how generous hehe Im actually going to be doing some volunteer work in the office b4 the race too so ppl start signing up!
  2. As if they are still driving it around. Idiots. Hehe eating maccas for b/fast would be hell- there is some justice in it afterall! No, no I agree there is no justice, at least no in this country.
  3. Next time. When Im back at uni... Count me in
  4. Maybe Im just lucky I havent had any probs as yet (fingers crossed) my last container and 2 RO/ROs were cleared this wed. But Adelaide is small and quiet so Im bound to run into this guy or girl soon boohoo. Surely this inspector doesn't stuff you for more than a week??? arghhh
  5. Wow, in Adelaide we don't wait very long at all for quarentine to inspect our stuff. Couple of days really. Unless you are coming out of a long holiday such as Christmas or Easter it might be longer...
  6. what can i say....slackers!
  7. The Sunday Mail City-Bay Fun Run Adelaide's largest fun run When: Sunday, September 16, 2007 – the 36th event. What: Fun run/walk/wheelchair over 12km, 6km , 3km. (no car!!!) Who: People of all ages – charities, corporate groups, families, community groups, school groups, elite athletes, those trying to beat their last year's times! How many: 27,000 entries expected in 2007. Take up the challenge! Aim for a record time, a personal best or just to finish! You can enter in the following events: Sunday Mail 12km - Adelaide to Glenelg 8:00am start runners 8:20am start walkers Advertiser 6km - Kurralta Centre to Glenelg 8.20am start runners 8.45am start walkers Sunday Mail 3km - Morphettville Junction to Glenelg 9.30am start (approx) Just wondering if anyone is taking part this year and what sort of times do you expect to finish it in?
  8. I work at TTP and I've been around there long enough to know that this stuff happens all the time. Thats the reality. It sucks I know. Then you think, maybe it isnt worth driving your car around etc etc, but in the end what did you buy it for??? Like someone said before: ENJOY IT. Honestly I think twice before I take my car out and thats the worst part!! I never used to even consider what car I drove, what ever was on the driveway I took... The good comes with the bad- Compromise
  9. Why is it the more you know, the more you don't really know??Igonrance and stupidity are bliss. Or maybe they are not... Maybe life is way too complex. Or am I over looking something? Simply I have no idea of what goes on anymore anywhere!?! Stop. thinking. NOW.
  10. Friday the 13th- hmmm i hope its not cursed I'll pencil it in but it depends if I have to work...
  11. arghhh i dislike ITS! (since they took over the engineering departments IT matters & CATS!) no hard feelings!
  12. I got to uni in town, wouldn't mind meeting some people either if time permits. So perhaps if this is still a goer i can join in after the next one ( I have uni break= no uni till 23rd July ) Cheers
  13. The chances of being defected are much less with one. Its better to reduce your chance of being defected is it not? Whenever I have been through regency with one, they acknowledge it (Admittedly Ive only been there 3 times with 3 different cars but thats 100% success rate for me). Some of the mods were as minor as wheels and as major as engine upgrades from n/a to turbo charged. Same with defect stations. Its worth the money.
  14. IF your car is modified and you are worried of getting defected you can get an engineers report that says it is safe and meets nec standards (after a few tests that support this, eg brake tests if extra kws etc). Price of report dep on how many mods it has...
  15. Yeah, one of my mates is with GPA too (just stareted this yr), Worleys too. Some at Santos ( I worked there too for 3 months over summer), Adelaide Brighton & BHP. I'm actually a bit worried about becoming a 'number' with the big boys. But at the same time I don't wanna go into consulting I want real engineering work not just purely design. (I got an offer from KBR but i think ill turn it down just coz i dont see myself sitting in an office all the time doing design stuff)
  16. Even better, i have a $200 car which i take to uni after i heard that! Its almost the same as the GTR hehe Its a pity people have to resort to this though.
  17. Cheers hehe if I waited until I finish uni, there would about zero chance of getting a job. The grad recruitment the companies undertook closed for applications in about late April. Eg, BHP, RioTinto, Woodside, ExxonMobil, Shell, KBR ** Thats a heads up to any of u at uni looking for work next year, start applying asap, some companies close their applications as early as March! (eg. Macquarie Bank)** I will finish Engineering (Chemical) & Finance, but I chose to go down the engineering path. Oil & Gas or Minerals or Consulting. I like the sound of Oil & Gas. Anyone work in this field at the moment??
  18. I cant complain with Just Cars, I got my renewal 2 months ago, nothing at all changed. Rating One, Full Comp, Agreed Value of $34,500. Suspension & Exhaust... And I only pay $1170. I am now 22. I used to pay half of that for my first car (S13, when i was 17) for 3rd party only!!!!
  19. Well i have heard many of the GTRs around adelaide have been in the past attempted to be stolen or stolen. The guy responsible was eventually put away, was caught red handed in GTR. How true this is, I don't know. Where i used to park my car (last year), near the river at adelaide uni, the cops said at least 3 cars were taken from there every week. A GTR went missing from there too early last yr. After my number plates dissapeared from there, i decided not to park my car there anymore. The GTR recovered just had a small nick on the passenger side door where what appeared to be a screw driver or something had been instered to open the door. A computer of some sort was then hooked up to the car comp to override any immobs/alarms...The ignition barrel was stuffed. I know I would be hysterical if this happened to me, despite insurance. I too despise car theives!
  20. I think a lot of us would do anything to help our parents, after all, they would do anything for us! Good on ya Anyway, I 've been having a really stressful time lately trying to land a job for next year after uni... and finally something positive has come out of it!!! Today, out of nowhere I got 3 offers! One for Perth, Adelaide and one not specified (and they don't tell us until after we sign), but generally anywhere in the world over some 80 countries- scary! Now I have to choose a job and where to live! Thought I'd share the good news
  21. I would try Protec..
  22. It should be ok, didnt go to the last summer one, nor have i been to any winter ones! It better be good!
  23. Hey people, The weekend has landed!! Make sure u get out n about - theres soooo much to do!! Who cares that its winter & cold... Personally I'm looking foward to the sea n vines festival ... good wine, food food... W.E. should be fun, pity its a day thing tho!
  24. Sundays are great But as someone said b4, not this sunday!! There is a food and wine festival on - Sea & Vines- as well as Winter Enchanted
  25. If still looking try pete 0438515181, piotr@japworx.com.au the website seems to be down but its japworx.com.au Brings in a range of stuff... worth a look i guess
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