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Everything posted by Cake

  1. well he'll have to make it even better then
  2. Adrian, think i saw u last nite in east vic park, i was parked outside mates pizza shop (opposite cheers) and u drove past, im only guessing it was u... p plates, white 33.
  3. thanks for the replies everyone.. got a few places i can go and get quotes from now, then make up my mind. Wouldn't mind having a look and listen to your exhaust too rob got any photos of it? Anyone here got a screamer pipe, or know a place in perth that can make them properly? As for the dump, i'll probably go the twin (seperate wastegate) style. As for piping sizes, what are most of u running here for the dump/front/catback.. 3" - 3.5"? Some of the jap catbacks are 95mm (3.74"), is 3" sufficient, or if possible go larger? If buying a 3.25" catback for example, what size do you want the front pipe and dump to be?
  4. Cake

    Look out

    lol thats pretty dodgy that u were able to sneak through... dude, hope u sent your approval off before the car was shipped over? 2 months that is ages.. i think u should give them a call.
  5. Yeah it's what foshan said, graduation nite at curtin uni... they had some on monday night as well, that was orientation day i think. mmm... antilag
  6. The time has come to upgrade my exhaust , At the moment my exhaust system is completely stock apart from high flow cat (decided to pay little extra for the high flow when the car was complied). Anyway i've always wanted the apexi dual n1 catback system, but it seems that it's discontinued. My two options are to get a new jap brand catback, then get the rest custom; or to get a full custom exhaust. From personal experiences does anyone here have a custom exhaust made in perth and what sort of price and are you happy with it? I'm looking for something N1 style, and it must be loud, if i get a jap catback, i'll remove the centre muffler later on anyway. If anyone can recommend places that do excellent work, that would be great. Cheers, Chris.
  7. i captured it, you can download the video here: http://www.danbury.com/vipersgarage/downlo...GTS-t_VSPEC.mpg its fairly compressed (7.25mb, 2:50min) so the quality isnt the best but its dialup friendly
  8. alan, glad to hear that, you got it back early which is good. If anything is really damaged then get insurance to cover it. I think ur gonna wanna steam clean the inside of ur car, get all the dirty thievness out of it. Hope it runs well and is ok
  9. lol i second that, my hand gets melted, after the car has been out in the sun for even 1hr, literally can't touch it, gotta get somethin to cover it with to shift. JiMi i wouldn't worry about it unless its getting hot hot. Warm weather would be contributing to it anyway.
  10. MetBlue_GTST, i feel for you, mine was stolen last year, from my house like you (took the keys) while asleep rolled it out, drove away.. was in several cop pursuits but they never caught it cause its too quick, was on the streets for about 3 weeks then the cops did a raid on the guys house and he nicked him for stealing mine and a lot of other cars. It was stripped and sold for parts, never got it back, then insurance were pricks about it all and took ages to pay up. He lived in east vic park, and his mates in bentley i think, who helped him steal the cars. He is in jail now but his mates were under 17, so got 2 weeks detention and are back on the streets now, f---in junkies. I know its very sad for this to happen, but just expect the worst, dont expect to get it back until (if you do).. as it'll just make u feel worse. All the best, and ill keep my eye out for it, its not going anywhere if i see it.
  11. just saw tv mag, it says Late change: Cops... drive time not on this week wtf? :confused:
  12. the inner tread on my tyres are getting chewed.. car is lowered just nicely, on tein height/damper adj coilovers but tyres are sittin on a slight neg camber. Really makes u realise how shit Perth roads are, small bumps are fine but big drops and bumps, such as heading southbound over the narrows bridge, are not a nice ride. The damper rate is set to about 10/24 at the moment i think, 24 being the stiffest setting, and even this is ridiculously hard. if you push down on the car with it on anything above 15/24 or so, it doesnt move at all. Oh well the handling makes up for it
  13. just used some old brasso on the outside of my headlights, polished out a few of those foggy patches... looks shit hot now, headlights look like new Chris
  14. 95 GTS25t - 1 month *stolen* june - july 2002 96 GTS25t S2 - 3 months today
  15. love it, gotta respect tough sleepers, especially wagons
  16. paul what wing is meant to be there, gt-wing? Chris.
  17. no probs.. SkyDragon, sorry to hear that, all the best against the dodgy dealer, they deserve to go down
  18. basic performance upgrades... i think see the yanks usin it a lot on their forums about their supras, BPU++ etc..
  19. yeah saw the blue vt on the left heading north 7:50am this mornin.. looked like a stolen car gone wrong, big fishy marks before its gone up kerb into pole. there was just a car there with orange lights flashing.
  20. 1800.. thats high, My R33 RB25DET does idle at 0650rpm when warm, which is stock, but i will probably raise it as it's easy to stall unless u give it some. When starting cold i think it stays at around the 1k rpm mark.
  21. dont worry my car does that.. when i had the rear seats out, and even now with just the rear parcel shelf out (quieter but can still hear it)... it is your fuel pump... its normal, just that the sound is coming through
  22. T61 BB is it off this car initialD? [JMJ] plates
  23. nice photos EXIT: GOTBOOST: your rims look exactly the same as the ones that were on my R33 when it was stolen (weds sport 16's)... never recovered whered u get em? photo of mine here
  24. nice shots EXIT here's some photos, thanks to franz http://www.franzonline.net/private/cred/
  25. haha hey justin yeah sure was :uh-huh:
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