Performance Forums Perth cruise this Friday night. Meet 8pm Powis St Freeway offramp carpark, depart at 8:30pm sharp. The map can be downloaded here. A few of us from here are already going and anyone else can come along.
My car took about 2 months from the date of purchase to being licensed last week. The longest delay was waiting for the car to be shipped over (3 weeks until it left Japan)... and waiting for the compliance plate to arrive from Canberra once the compliance work was completed (2 weeks). After reading other peoples experiences i consider myself lucky... you just have to be patient:) Now i just wanna go drive it:D
sorry i couldn't make it guys i really wanted to come along no videos or pics from me this time...
i was planning on riding with my mate in the silver spec2 r33 with apexi sticker on the bonnet, but he didnt wanna go :x ..soft! Anyway when my 33 is on the road ill be driving myself to the next Skyline cruise
So how was it, anyone get any video? if you got any photos you can email them to me at [email protected] and i can put them up on Viper's Garage. At least the rain pretty much held out for the cruise.
nice pics prank!
haha i can see the rear bumper looks a little burnt
had the exhaust throwing out a few flames hey? LOL..
how much was that 5Zigen system? did you used to have a Kamimoto exhaust?