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  1. HESLO on The Golden Way tonight
  2. My recomendation is a Mortgage Broker. They sometimes will be able to get you a better rate and should know (hopefully) what banks lend upto what. If you do 100% they generally won't let you combine your personal loan. You will definately notice a great difference in what each bank will lend you. Lots of banks have recently changed to a max of 90% and make you have a good savings history. If you could save 5% and show your genuine savings, you'll be better off. Costs for 100% ers are great. With my FHOG it got paid straight to the bank and all I had to do was just fill out a form and they did it all. You'll also need to decide on Fixed or Variable, so make sure you do your research. You can get a 3yr fixed for 5.49% which is heaps 'cheap'. PM me if you want the name of a good Mortgage Broker - no it's not me
  3. http://www.whozadog.com/
  4. SLY in Golden Grove this afternoon
  5. Nope, I was on NE rd and I saw you in the turning lane.
  6. DOHMAR on OG Road
  7. Spotted a black stagea exiting a Holden Hill car wash then head down NE Rd.
  8. Spotted a silver 34 checking out houses for sale in my street this afternoon
  9. Nothing exciting, just my SP23. I also spotted HSVEATR today somewhere today too.
  10. LETHLRB25 (or something like that) on McIntyre road DRTY 2 at Magill this afternoon
  11. A white 32 with WA plates in the BP at Golden Grove
  12. I joined as I knew someone on here. I don't own a Skyline, just bought a WRX actually, so if that's still ok, maybe a cruise soon I think Went on a cruise with SAU people like 3yrs ago or so. As for the tennant, tennant of course says she knows nothing about the mark. I threatened the Tribunal (agent said they'd only rule about 5%, as it's 5% of the room....) and we ended up going 50/50.
  13. I work for a bank and I'd go to a Broker. If you have an existing loan, apply for a 'top-up' or redraw if you have surplus funds. Just don't go for a Line of Credit as they rates are higher. As for an investment property, I'd recommend it. However, just beware of insurance companies (as we all should be -sorry) as I've just collected the keys to mine and found that the tennant dropped the Iron on loungeroom floor. Insurance won't cover it as it's an "accident" (classed as tennant neglect) and they only cover "malicous' damage. Aghhhh.
  14. Spotted COOKIE on the Golden Way early yesterday morning
  15. Spotted a small Skyline cruise near Houghton today
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