Fair enough mate... I see your point and agree to it in some parts.
I guess, the new GT-R is the best thing that's come from Nissan for a long time... I don't know, I guess intially, it'll take some time for a lot of people like myself to get to know the new GT-R as I feel it's lost it's toughness that the first 3 brought to the table.
Tell me, when you saw the R35 in the flesh did it have the toughness of the R33 etc? Damn, I may be old school but the R33 and R35 with a kit looks tough as ... but all in all, just bloody grateful there's a new GT-R... you think this will be the last one... with the new economy changing so much and costs of living ever-increasing... there's not really a market for sports cars anymore ... look how long it too them to release this new R35... I fear this might be the last GT-R...your thoughts?