Its the same with every insurance company.
Any modification that is not legal, i.e you can get defected for will see the policy as void. I have never had an issue and have made one claim, my car was fairly stockish, due to the nature of the accident *not hooning* the insurance company didn't even bat an eye lid and simply paid to get it fixed.
But should the police report state I was doing burnouts and driving dangerously I am sure they would have had a good look at the car.
All the more reason to 'hide' modifications by running adjustable wastegate actuators (~$120), std bovs and having the tow truck send the car directly to your place after an accident if at all possible.
If you were in an accident due to yourself hooning; now, if the car had less power, then you would have not been in that place at that time as a result the accident would have been avoided.