Ben, You've missed the origional question......
Forget the fact that he's running a stock turbo etc... Mr. rmahnovetsky origionally wanted to know if raising fuel pressure will gain a little more head room in making power without hitting R&R.
The answer is YES! Obviously there is a limit to how far you can push this mod, every car is different as we know some R33's hit fuel cut at 10psi on stock ecu, others hit fuel cut at 13psi stock ecu.
After all that, If he does decide to push 13psi and still see's R&R with good afr ratios using the safc, to stop R&R his only quick fix option is to 'slightly' bump up the fuel pressure, pull a little more airflow out via the safc. Hopefully pulling it under R&R resulting in a nice smooth power curve with no detonation.
Possibly you could drop some Shell 100 stuff in it and by the looks it would be a good comprimise and work well with the increased ign. timing of the lesser load points.
This possibly would work nice with a smallish turbo like the GT2530.
Should you have a few detonation issues drop an ITC on it or as I said previously try the Shell 100 stuff.
All that being said maybe raising fuel pressure safely may not be enough to get around R&R. If thats the case sell all the safc and itc crap for basically what you bought it for second hand and buy a powerfc.
I have only heard of this method being used once. It worked for that person and gave them a little more head room with what he had.