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Everything posted by Cubes

  1. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sa...ml#entry4283732 There's the link peoples... Vote away. Again.
  2. What is the general view of SA/SAUers. Regardless of the outcome at no point are cruises to be labeled as SAU to the Public OR Police. If you wish to create an SA/SAU Car Club do the hard yacka and accept the liability. 1 - Act as a whole - negotiate with Neil regardless of its outcome 2 - Act as a whole - No negotiation - organise gatherings in private 3 - Seperation - Some build a relationship with the police allowing inspections while the others organise their gatherings in private ---- No other chit chatter as it will be removed. A simple clean POLL. If any one wishes to change the poll, reword or anything at all request it in the other thread - http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Pu...-r-t246209.html
  3. ahh well to be honest it doesn't bother me the slightest as I don't attend these cruises anyway. I was asked by multiple people to do something so I put some thing forward to generate a little discussion. It went fairly well until a few kicked up a stink. ------ Well lets create another poll.. I'll shoot a link in here soon. Each man for himself. Let SA/SAU/STAG separation begin. Either way it swings I personally could not give two hoots. For those small number of you who created multiple accounts for voting last time. If I catch you doing it this time I'll exercise my last mod right and you'll be banned.
  4. Thats exactly what the leading post reads.. - ...... only constructive comments on how to rectify the situation essentially the bunny/stag cruises have put us all in. Shit fight between the stock skyline owners and the modified owners. So why did he pop hoods? That would be because pods are legal when secured. No doubt those who were warned of dark tint, too low and BOV's if Neil saw any of you out and about OR at another cruise he would defect. Give it time or another cruise or two. If Police know of mods that do not meet ADR's they will warn but at a later date if you haven't fixed them you WILL be pinged. I've been through it with previous cars living down south where police would let things slide - see you a few weeks later question why you have done nothing about it then defect. Its their Job, I would not expect anything less. I really cannot be bothered with the rest of your post. --- Dohmar is on the money. Of which brings to mind. Nene's email to Neil. We should make it clear SAU is a gathering of people and we are NOT a club that he (or at least via Cara's words) is believing it to be. We need to find out why he believes this is the case as it is simply a small group of people separately organising cruises on their own back with no direct affiliation with any SAU car club. There is a hell of a lot of liability to get a car club up and running especially when it is predominately a street club. Which is one very good reason I pulled back and went knocking on NDCCs door.
  5. There's always the report post button peoples. Only 1 or 2 people here on SAU use it. It really should be used a lot more.
  6. I never said you did. :S As for the rest.. read my first post if it is myself you are referring to who usually doesn't attend these cruises. My post has been misunderstood. I was simply reinforcing my first reply to Cara. Nothing more nothing less. -- We need to know what Kellie has arranged with Neil. If she has came across as representing SAU with the cruises she organised or just 'her' cruises not being affiliated with SAU. If Neil has been on these forums he knows its simply a gathering of people. Definitely not a 'club'.
  7. Not only too much oil in the head issue but also early onset of valve float. Both of which I've always struggled with until I dropped in better springs and oil restrictors. If I were to do it again I wouldn't play with oil pressure. The RB25DET & Std GTR pump appears to be 'just' right. r33_racer, What oil pressures do you see?
  8. With the std crank oil pump drive and 90psi oil pressure over 4k it hasn't broke yet. The motors done quote a few km's so hopefully it holds out until these 3.4ltr strokers are done. Still on std rods etc so I can't really stretch the rpm out much further if I were to shove a larger turbo on it. Time for another build.
  9. Its the result of the stag cruise and Neils agreement for future events that has caused a stir. That being where it was negotiated that Neil would attend future Bunny cruises and inspect for dangerous/excessive (as ruby put it) mods. Obviously these cruises are attracting a fair bit of attention by the police which is not good for the SAU community. So what to do? 1. Ban those 'titled' cruises and make it a little more private or 2. Work with the police to try and find a middle ground (clarify) as hood popping and having to past a scrutineers looking for dangerous/excessive mods before going on a cruise really would suck. In saying BAN its not a ban in a typical sense. If Kellie were to go back on her negotiations with Neil no doubt he would not be too happy. With that in mind IMO for Kellies sake it would be best she step back and take a back seat for a while but really thats up to her and depends on how the discussion with Neil goes. Hopefully it all goes well and we earn trust that we are not hoons. BUT all it takes is for some numb nut to weave in and out of traffic with an SAU sticker and all the hard work is undone. Of which does happen as there has been a post where some one saw such a thing occurring and called them a wanker. Things are starting to go around in circles now anyway as all this has been said before.
  10. Not really.... Cara's quote. A chance to find out whats defectable or what they pick up on...... BUT Neil rocks up to our cruise inspects every car, warns us. All fine and dandy. Then next time what happens... Driving down the road 2 weeks later, your pulled over as your now on file. VIS takes place but nothing has been 'returned to stock or fixed' so what is going to happen. Defect! Or the next cruise nice and easy your there for the picking - Car is inspected nothings changed and defect. Don't think thats the way it 'doesn't' work because sadly it DOES. It is their duty of care
  11. No need to start swearing and carrying on as I do not care if your stupid fat ugly or what not. You completely missed the point. Its one thing being pulled over on the street driving but its another for bunny (nothing against bunny thanks for letting every one know) to state he will be at future meets and proactively looking for dangerous/excessive mods. All it takes is for one or two complaints due to an idiot and its a prime opportunity for a defect blitz + a little media attention and there we have it SAU is on ACA as a mass defected forum/club that houses 'highly modified' hoon vehicles. Not likely but you never know.
  12. lol that is wierd.
  13. I've been pulled over on numerous times and never have been asked to pop my hood. I was warned with a defect for dark tint of which I peeled off and that was it. Cara.. Did you have your NOS bottle in the boot? I'm sure that would have attracted a fairly hefty defect. What sort of things did he point out? All minor I presume being NASP.
  14. I think the police were looking at the Stag cruise for a while as I remember reading some one was pulled over here on SAU a couple of weeks back and the officers comment was something along the lines of stag cruise or something hooning around the city. All though not the case but obviously they were keeping an eye out. Nene I'll have a think today but I believe Whatsisname and Sled have put out there is what needs to be clarified. See how it goes its better than nothing. So to clarify have 'any' previous cruises be it stag or bunny notified the police?
  15. Its a good idea for now at least until the heat dies down - especially with those not feeling comfortable popping their hoods and police looking for excessive/dangerous mods on future skyline/stag cruises. Not sure exactly what is stupid about that concern but I'll also leave that alone as this is not the place to discus.
  16. I'll still be there with the young lad.
  17. Another point a LOT of people have missed.. Its not really your decision to decide if predominately stock cars attend these cruises - Police attending future cruises and 'looking' for dangerous/excessive mods will prevent any skyline that is modified from attending. Don't shoot the messenger.. I'm looking at the bigger picture and not wrapping myself up in what works for myself. I am not sure about your self but there's nothing quite like popping the hood on a monster and having a good look at chat to the owner at various cruises etc. The way it was going all that would have stopped.
  18. Definitely try to find a middle ground but if they simply cannot leave the meet spots alone (providing every one is well behaved) then its probably wise those who have organised cruises in the past and are known by the police wash their hands and take a step back for their own good. If Neil is 'expecting' to be notified he won't be happy if the previous organisers have stated they will notify him and then don't. Its not a worry for those with stockish cars but those with 'excessively modified' (and a larger turbo will fall in to the category) it is most definitely a worry. Thats all I have to add. Now lets concentrate on this email for Neil to hopefully sort out this mess.
  19. A fairly productive thread. It appears the majority are not happy with the way it stood and we have some good suggestions so we shall get working on them. Thinking back the poll should have been worded different but regardless we have had some good discussion.
  20. This is MOST DEFINITELY not the case. I have only deleted a small number of posts. 3 in total. 1 of which was from JDM032 resulting in a warning increase and the other two - one from Nene of which was O/T and also another from Mike which was O/T related to myself being out of line and myself O/T in one of my own posts. Speak to your Nene I have sent her a PM.
  21. I think we definitely have to speak to Neil and find out exactly where we stand. Kellies thread gave the impression they will be attending future events and proactively looking for 'dangerous' modifications. We need to find out if this really is the case or not.
  22. All cruises were never going to be banned.
  23. The problem is they now want to know of future organised cruises and they want to also attend and VIS at them also. This is where the problem resides. We are a sensible bunch of people of which IMO have a reputation of holding sedate/sensible cruises (thanks to kellie) so why do they feel the need to spend tax payers money on SAU/SA. --- Well come on people make suggestions how to attack this problem. IMO notifying the police is one thing but them stating they will be attending and looking for dangerous modifications at ALL future events is a worry. I'd almost be worried to rock up in the old VN if my 32 was off the road. Maybe Kellie or some one could have a chat to Neil and discuss the requirement for attending cruise meet spots/taking down number plates etc. There has to be a middle ground especially if we have a 'good rep'. Or is it not open for discussion on their side?
  24. Cruises won't stop. Just the SAU/SA regular organised cruise image the police are picking up on. Cruises need to be kept a little low more low key.
  25. Correct a LOT of work does go in to the cruises and props to Kellie for trying to do the right thing. Its just unfortunate that the police require notification and wish to attend future organised cruises when previously they have been sensible anyway. Police attending cruises suppresses the 'street' scene but it also pushes it 'underground' so to speak. Its unfortunate but street car clubs just don't work. -- In saying what you have said Ruby have you got a solution to rectify this situation other than just bitching about the current proposed solution?
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