I had my r33 sitting in the garage for abour 5 months prior to being fully licensed. I'd drive it maybe once a week.
Got busted driving it 1 month before i was fully licensed, done for High Powered Vehicle and driving manual with auto license
The cop who pulled me over (i wasnt "hooning" was just cruising through a roundabout and he did a u-turn to pull me over) was all nice about it and said there was no demerit points involved. It even says no points on my infrigement notices. He said that legislation prior to jan 1/2008 would involve a 3 demerit point penalty if you were on your P's before jun07. People caught after jan 1 2008 however, would only have to pay a fine (no points) if they were on their P's prior to jun07 like i was.
I paid the fines and then i get a courtesy letter from vic roads informing me that 3 points were taken off for driving a high powered vehicle. Im still trying to contest that; they havent replied to a letter i sent, as suggested by my local vic roads office.
How can a police officer tell me theres no points involved, write on the infringement notice that there is no demerit points and then vic roads goes and stings me?