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Everything posted by Jack88

  1. there now blue and red........ iv bn in the city alot latly but it wasnt me pulling the como over lol,flashed a taxi that stoped in the middle of hindley st tho,fkn taxis hate them with an absolute passion.
  2. That is what the wasteland is for!
  3. at the end of the day it will NEVER happen,its already been said that it is just too hard for it to be enforced etc.i say spend the extra money on fixing up the dam roads. SA = worst roads i have ever seen.if i have to travel along south rd again and hit a freaking man hole cover that has sunk 4cm into the ground again im going to go hire my own dam bitumin machine and fix the dam things. with how hard my car hits them i wouldnt be soprised if its doing damage because its sure as hell hurting me.
  4. by just unpluging that buzzer you will have lost your power windowns/mirrors and locking.i tryed this in the begining with mine and thats what happend. mine was a series 1 also.
  5. haha screw retirment im livin my life now lol. if i make it to 100 ill still be doing what i do now.
  6. thannkk you every one! ill be 20.
  7. woo its my birthday in 3 hours!!!
  8. yea thats one of my friends.i keep tellin her to take that sticker off haha its masive.yea its NA/auto.
  9. i should also add that in a series 1 its to the left hand side of the glove box housing,not in the same place as the series 2's. check my tut for the series 1 version.
  10. no worries mate! haha i was right about that cooler pipe! your silicon joiners looked in pritty bad shape.
  11. ahahaha didnt take you long to post this up el.your petrol lol?we were in my car! dam that dumb L plater that was on the express way and decided to slam on his breaks too,almost had a big smash up with kahli me and another BMW that was behind us.what turn off did you get off at rhys? i was keep to come through the hills with you but you just disapeared.
  12. ECU is in the passenger side kick panel,thats most proberly where your noise is being induced from. Jack
  13. Thats good advice there booster, Had you already chosen a sub? Jack
  14. Turbo Piston : the pioneer slim line subs are a waste of time unless you absolutly canot fit anything else in there of decent size lol. my DD 6x9s ate there 12 slim line sub alive for quality and depth. as i said tho if you cant fit anything else at all then they do an ok job. BennettR32GTS-T: ok no worries that will be fine.
  15. what did you need done mate?
  16. i havnt herd from her for some time now but last i knew she was doing very well and was doing well for herself.i dont know what she was like before the accedent but the yazmyn i knew was a very happy and cheerfull person.
  17. yea i was very lucky that is for sure! wow i didnt know you were involved with it steve,i used to be close friends with yazmyn,from what she explained to me and the pictures she showed me of the car she was in she is one very lucky girl. reading what you wrote gave me shivers steve! id like to thank you for everything you did that day.
  18. it is true there not the best alarm,but for $200 ya cant really complain.the few i have installed however have been fine,never had a problem with them and they have been in the cars for about a year and half now. Jack
  19. in answer to both of you, sealed boxes and generally fairly forgiving so a decrese in box volume by such a small amount wont really affect anything,you probly wont be able to hear the difference at all anyway. so you dont really have to adjust any dimentions. yes thos type s's go pritty well in a sealed box too,for the money there an excelent sub. Jack EDIT are you planing to just built a whole new box or modify the alpine one? is the alpine one a sealed box or ported? if its sealed box decresing the volume will just raise the tuning frequency a small amount which you probly wont be able to hear the difference. id recomend building it equal in volume as the original one just to keep things the same,if your already modifying part of it you may as well do it all properly.
  20. mine occasionally slputters around when i start it on a really cold morning,just give it a small poke of the acelerator and it brings it out of it and idles normally.
  21. lol i was wondering how pokie found out! im going to a cocktail party haha!
  22. not good at all mate! got any pictures of the damage? did you happen to go back and have a look at the road? would have been interesting to see what sort of damage it did to it!
  23. excelent write up mate! just need some better pictures i might give mine ago in the next few days and thats in a 33 so ill fill in the blanks at the start of your guide so we have one for a 32 and a 33.
  24. the ticking noise is the adjustment cog in the aircon,when you change the vent settings it moves to change the flaps and what happends is some of the teeth get striped off the wheel over time and then it just skips around in the same spot until it realises its not getting anywhere then stopes. have ether of you had your dash out latly? there is a tube that goes to a small vent in the dash that has a small sensor it it,it uses this to work out how hot or cold it is in the cabin and then regulates the temp.if this is not connected it just defaults to max settings so you will only ether get full hot or full cold no matter how much you muck around with the temperature settings. Jack
  25. OMG iv finally been spoted haha!cept i wasnt driving at the time lol.but yes that was my 33,wud have been parked next to the black monaro.
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