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Everything posted by Jack88

  1. im the same,im as nice as i can be to a certain point.if the cop is being a complete wanker with what seems to be a grudge against me for driving a dam car there is no way in hell im going to be nice anymore,i treat people how they treat me so why should a cop be the exception to this rule. the day i encounter a cop that does not act in this way is the day ill change my opinion on the subject
  2. lol so this is why u sent it to me damo! haha did it actually work for anyone?
  3. thanks for coming! was a good night except for the dam carpark and that drive way! we shal have to do it again soon. Jack
  4. lol who are you guys talking to at nissan? there $550 each.
  5. insted of spaming the fourm how about we all spam the police offices with hate/complaint mail and see where that gets us , i too have been pulled over countlas times for a "random breath test" 99% of the time there is nothing random about it! i once drove past the seaford pub as a short cut,not doing anything stuipid just putting along.as i pull out onto the main road and start traveling along that i notice far away in my rear veiw camera a police car start speeding in my general direction,i then take a quick left hand turn down a side street and gun in somewhat down the street and then hit the brakes back down to 50 again,next thing i see is the cop car come screaming around the corner with its lights and sirens on and still speeding towards me. when they cought up with me i pulled over and awaited the cop to come to my window. the first thing he says is "this is a random breath test" i swiftly replied with "thats a joke!! theres nothing random about this what so ever!" all i got bak from him was a err ummm "blow into this until i say stop" now why im doing this his partner preceds to walk around my car and check things here and there. after that all i got was a "your free to go" and that was it. now if all cops were that dedicated stopping crime as what thos 2 guys were in chasing me 4 blocks just to random bretho me this state would be alot better off that is for sure! if you encounter a cop that is being a flat out wanker for no apparent reason simply ask for there badge number so you can file a complaint against him/her later on. it is an offence for them not to provide you with this information. just about all of the cops i have delt with have pulled there head in majorly after i have asked for this information,minus the one dickhead that refused to give the number to me and subsequently lost his job over it in the end. End rant lol.
  6. hehe yes if you get there 1minute before or after they will turn you away...jks lol..i mucked it up and it wouldnt let me edit it again after lol.ok mitch thats kool..i just cant edit your name off the list tho lol.
  7. ok guys and gals its final if every one shows up we have 18 people coming. obveiously i had to increse the booking size again yes iv told them we will be ariving between 6 46 - 7pm EXTRA NEW LIST Jack Charmaine - (fullyhyperlight) Luke - (fishpaste) Luke - (luke_enr34) Mitch - (damageinc) maybe steveP +2 Daniel - (cronic) +1 DRIV3R Carl - (Bezender) Anthony - (love my 32) Lucas +1 Elle - (MissSeductiv) +1 Dan - maybe Hope to see you all there!
  8. check your user manual for the correct wire first,but yes that would be the reason why your not getting any picture.
  9. something is wired up wrong,that is the only thing that can cause it to go strait into protect...unless you were just unlucky and got a dud from new. DO NOT remove the power leads to the amp while its on.never do it...ever. try these and get back to me. unplug all the speakers you have pluged into the amp including RCA leads (do not let the RCA leads touch anything while unpluged) but leave it hooked up to power and the remote turn on lead,now turn on your head unit and see what the amp does.it the amp powers on fine and doesnt go into protect then it is an issue with your wiring or RCA leads somewhere. if it does power on fine turn it off again and plug the RCA leads back in and turn it on again. if it goes into protect this time then its an issue with your RCA leads so remove and fine the problem with them. if it doesnt go into protect then its a fairly safe bet to say its a problem in your wiring to your front speakers somewhere so go over and check all of that again. EDIT : just read your post again....for the love of god please dont take any more advice from your friend on this subject. Jack
  10. someone HAS to bring a video camera and then upload all the shinanigans that follow onto youtube haha. IM GETTING EXCITED NOW!!
  11. go the alu radiator and the tranny cooler,iv done the same thing,they are 100% better in my opinion,cools so much better and looks so much better as well.have a look into autotechnica they sell them,there cheap and are of decent quality.
  12. yep standard mate,my 33 does the same thing
  13. ahaha gold! have you seen the one where steve becomes a parking inspector and start stealing all the quarters?
  14. sounds perfect to me kellie! cant wait!
  15. fair enough ben,iv incresed the booking to 15 just to be on the safe side so if ya feel like comin down in the end we be there! update on prices Adult $19.95 unlimited soft drinks for $3.50 Kiddies between the age of 5 - 14 $9.95 with a drink i remember thos days too haha! was awsome wasnt it. mods can you please clean up my first post and add the list to the first post and also add lovemy32 to it aswell. thank you!
  16. lol who said SA SAU was dead were bringing it back baby!
  17. what time do you think you would be able to get down to charlies nene?that time i posted was just a rough meet time,its not set in stone yet lol if your car fails again daniel im sure i can give you 2 a lift.
  18. ok guys and gals,charlies are ringing me back becoz there wasnt someone in the diner that could answer my booking questions lol but an all you can eat plate for dinner is $19.95 for adults. i dont think anyone was planing on bringing the kiddies but if you do let me know and ill get a price on that too. so far im thinking meet there at 6 45 - 7pm. at the moment im estimating about 10 or so people but if we have more interest ill have to make the booking larger. NEW LIST Jack Charmaine - (fullyhyperlight) Luke - (fishpaste) Luke - (luke_enr34) Mitch - (damageinc) maybe steveP Norman - (normsta) Daniel - (cronic) + 1 Thank you steve
  19. Sorry guys it apears editing from my mobile has got the better of me and ruined my first post, Mods can you please clean the crap out of it for me so its readable again? Its the one at marion norman,just down the road from marion shopping center. I will update with a new list and details tomorrow too guys. Jack
  20. hello guys and gals<br /><br />a few of us have been talking about having all you can eat at charlies this friday night,so far there are about 5 or so people that are keen to come,im ringing them tomorrow to see how booked they are and if we can get a table big enough for us.<br /><br />if your interested post whore your heart out in here. no meet time has been organised yet so stay tuned!<br /><br />late notice i know but hey what better time then now.<br /><br /><br />Jack<br /><br />Coming so far<br /><br />Jack<br />Charmaine<br />Luke - Luke_enr34(if decent numbers come out)<br />Luke - Fishpaste
  21. lol fairenough,watch out for thos caps tho lol they will give you a right shock! altho it wakes you up pritty quick hey
  22. lol your coming daniel,you dont have a choice in the matter
  23. lol whats with you and baking nene?last night you were really keen to bake something too lol! i swear if a VL wins that comp for zoo it just proves the bogan comunity is out in force lol,have 20 votes to yours . mmm im siting at my work desk and wendys is right across the hall and the smell from the hod dogs is wafting over here,im so hungryyy!! how did you manage to electricute your self?
  24. i dont understand your reasoning kahli,you said it just gets damaged too much at school by jelous people,yet you have bought another skyline....and running costs,lol minimal difference if any between them. is it just me or does this not make sence to anyone else ether? good on you for buying another one tho but i just dont understand the reasoning behind it.
  25. put me down for it kellie, and by the responses we had in the msn convo last night there are alot of us that are keen to come too.what needs to be organised as well?
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