Pritty much the same deal for me there mitchamus, got done for doing 80 in a 60.lost the licence and apealed it for work and went to court and pleded my case and got it back with 1 point. Im also the same as you mitch, i dont speed any where for anything. its seccond nature to me now seems i have been doing it for what feels like an eternity.i think its actually made me a worse driver tho. its made me that paranoide ill litrally look down at the spedo every 3 secconds or so.
But what really shits me off is my gf who speeds absolutly everywhere atleast 10 - 20 kmh over and in the 4 months or so we have been together NOT ONCE has she been done by a speed camera or radar.since she has been with me iv drilled it into her that its not on but she still does it,it just doesnt get through no matter what i do. Beleve it or not shes actually the better one out of her friends. One of them is by far the worse driver i have ever seen and im at a loss to how the F*CK she got her licence. once she managed to spin out of control at a right hand corner from a standstill on a dry road and end up in someones front yard. Shes never been done for anything ether. I cant wait for the day they get done and have to go through the same shit.
End rant.
EDIT: Oh and mitch i would be looking into what conditions are on your licence too. i thought after my 2.5 years were up id be moving onto my full licence......until i got a letter in the mail the other week saying that there are changes to P1 and L licence holders about using hands free kits and stuff. Now to my understanding i wasnt on P1 or P2 or anything like that as i got my licence long before that stuff came in and when i lost it and got it back that all happend long before it came into affect too. I tryed ringing motor reg to sort it out but after being on hold for an hour and a half i gave up. My licence runs out soon and if i have to be stuck on P2s for another 6 months ill be severly pissed off!