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Everything posted by Jack88

  1. shel buff out just fine mate.haha
  2. bahahahahaha.....i lold
  3. yea mine has the type s chassis number and the red GT badges. i always thought the previous owner just put the red GT badges on there haha.
  4. In a 33 they are in the fuse box in the boot next to the battery.
  5. deffenantly your antenna plug bud,pull out the jack and stick your head in the gaurd, you should be able to see the loom going to the antenna as well as an empty plug which is for the able u have there. The antenna will still go up and down without it pluged in because the power trigger for it is in a seperate plug
  6. http://www.carsguide.com.au/site/search/ve...p;vehicleType=3 someone in NSW is selling a Ultima spyder!
  7. This is Brutus. A 47 liter V12 built by BMW.
  8. ahahahaha gold.
  9. o00o0ooo ill be there with my gf too, its turning into a group take your gfs to drift day.
  10. oohhhhh so thats youuur car.haha pass it all the time.never clicked it was yours.
  11. she doesnt happen to be from elizabeth does she ruby? haha
  12. haha yea no probs, better be sumin good to go look at tho haha. PM me later on if u need.
  13. hackham is only down the road from me!
  14. me and a couple of mates will be there.
  15. If there is a switch under the steering wheel in your car that is not factory fitted.if your talking about the one that is factory fitted that sits in the dash to the left of the steering wheel that is only an option on series tow R33's. There are some aftermarked units that do not have a seperate remote turn on and antenna wire, such as pioneer units.
  16. Welcome to granpa town bud. get used to looking down at ur spedo ever 3 secconds to make sure ur not speeding. i too got the same shit handed down to me. however it was before all this P1 P2 crap so once i my 2.5 years are over i go to my fulls finally.should have been on them over a year ago.i get my fulls start of next year
  17. Its not possible with a fully automatic antenna, such as the one that comes in the R33.its ether fully up or fully down. however if you can find a semi automatic antenna that will fit then your idea will work. My listing doesnt have anything for a skyline as its an import so you would ether have to try and match something up from another car or give a universal one a go and try and fit the plastic part that sits in the gaurd to the new antenna. Part number from Aerpro for the semi automatic universal one is AP24, head down to your local autobarn or strathfeilds and they should have them in stock. Jack
  18. Bahahaha lets go with this one.its easy to remember. yea i got it from a heap of people too, including lots of numbers i dont even have in my phone book on ether of my phones lol so its defenantly getting around!
  19. haha, any one know how to reprogram thos things? that could make for a giggle or two
  20. Ill be there too. whos got a chant for us to shout haha?
  21. Good advice. Please advise how the original question had any thing to do with a ford and a magna installation? STOP posting meaningless answers to peoples questions. This isnt the first time ether.....
  22. i would think that the previous owner just put single element globes in there.just replace them with the normal 5/21w dual element ones.
  23. lol get used to it from whore owners. i think youl find that your NA will put the smack down on all but the worked V8s haha. Just wait till you see the look on there face when a engine half the capacity in size beats them
  24. you didnt happen to sell it to a guy called nathan did you? was the kit one of the factory optioned nismo ones? with the black center on the front bar? and did it have the standard GTT rims on it?
  25. If this was the case it would have started an electrical fire. or it would have fried most of the electricals in the car and it simple would not run or do much at all. A really bad earth will not drain your battery at all. A stuck soleniod? in what? you can rule that out as causing your dead battery. You probly had an issue with your stereo drawing to much current while off too.
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