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Everything posted by MUZT3K

  1. Don't worry bud soon as I get back from Queensland il be organizing some more meets as I usually do
  2. MUZT3K

    Car Audio Places

    Dude come see me at Jb nunawading il look after you
  3. the mentone hotel is pretty good if you want to go play pool with a bunch of mates, saturday nights they have a club up there so plenty of girls.. everyone other pool place of been to is full of geeks
  4. Lol smart ass's maybe it's a gift lol. Il try glue store.
  5. Anyone know any shops that sell these sort of singlets http://idobelieveicamewithahat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/geese_main.png
  6. MUZT3K

    R34 Gtr

    ^ yer I agree with ash..average
  7. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted Jamie parked in a street near the pines..forgot the street name
  8. hey guys, i went to a birthday about a year ago at this place, it was like a bar/restaurant and upstairs it turns into a club and they have like 4 pool tables...im pretty sure it was on Brighton rd or Brighton? it is on a corner of the main road and a street, and opposite it in the street is a oval i think. if anyone knows the name that would be great been trying to find it on google but no luck found it, mentone hotel
  9. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    blue 34 gtr a minute ago on blackburn rd doncaster
  10. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted a grey? 34 Gtr at the lights of Springdale rd Whitehorse rd before
  11. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    spotted skyl1n on bridge rd 30mins ago
  12. guy in a red Ferrari on hoddle street last night, plates were like 482 or somthing, drove like a fag
  13. Wish you's all a merry Christmas and happy new year, drive safe and have a great holiday
  14. Hey guys I'm going to wash my car at the apple peel ( water tunnel car wash templestowe) just seeing if anyone wants to come wash there's and talk shit 9:45 tonight
  15. Birds can you pm me your addy, if it's not far I might come past
  16. It was me, just keep it on the down low...yerrr right I wish
  17. Ok il take a photo tonight, but only got my iPhone camera
  18. Single slot but the other slot is right next door like 5mm in between
  19. ok took my pc to pc diy after work today, and they said my pci express slots are too close to each other so my gfx would over heat. so for now im just going to reformat the computer (fun) and hopefully it will speed it up abit, also got them to over clock it safely
  20. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted blue jeans at my work car park this arvo
  21. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    Haha yer quick stop off at bp
  22. Honestly I think the graphics are really good, I mean I got a i7 930 6gb ram and a 1gb hd his 5870 and it lag spikes..
  23. Gotta be lucky or know someone with one but yer..f*kn awesome game beats any game I've played in a long time
  24. My brothers friend got invited to the diablo 3 beta test and so I've been playing on his battle net account at home trying all classes except demon hunter and I love monk and witch doctor, from what I've played so far witch doctor looks pretty op. max level in beta is only 13. Can't wait for the full game!!!
  25. Oh well, going to take it to pc DIY after work get them to do it
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