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Everything posted by MUZT3K

  1. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    spotted a yellow r34 at Home HQ today with sau stickers guy was holding a orange powerade bottle
  2. any chance I can ride with you nathan?
  3. lol this is going to be hard, you cant do saturdays and nathan cant do fridays..next one will be a friday promise
  4. Havnt made one of these meets in ages due to losing my license but i thought id organise a cruise and maybe hitch a ride, nice weather is on the way so it should be good! Details Time/Date - Meet 9pm Leave 10:30pm this satuday 6th of november! Meet Location : Templestowe, 1 Fitzsimons Lane Cruise Destination - Unsure at this point, will discuss on the night what to bring - CB ch 14 and full tank! see yous there!
  5. i should be in, will confirm closer to date..but adam isnt dinner at 7:30 abit late because being a friday they get busy at tgi's
  6. very nice car mate, paint looks immac. what rims are those?
  7. ill be organising an official apple peel meet for one of the next coming saturdays even thou I won't be driving still would like to catch up with you guys
  8. nice work james looks awsome
  9. i dont see why they have to say "nissan skyline" why cant it just be "nissan" even though its not bad about the skyline still public would read it and think to themselves "freakin skylines"
  10. pretty sad that someone could do somthing like that to another human being. will insurance cover that?
  11. congrats on the buy, im not a big fan on 32's as there too old for my liking but this one id definetly have!
  12. there was people like that too, it was a mix, you had your "pros" who took it all serious and then just people there for some fun with there family cars
  13. thats true, last one i went to there was a few hyundais and vw golfs xr6's etc its a "fun day"
  14. il be going if i can convince my dad to drive my car there (no license)
  15. Case: Thermaltake Armor+ MX MB: Gigabyte EX58-UD3R CPU: intel i7 930 RAM: 6GB Monitor: 23" Samsung LED 2ms Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HIS 5850 1gb x2 (crossfire x) HDD(s): 1 TB + 500gb external OS: Windows 7 64bit Peripherals: Keyboard - microsoft sidewinder x5 , Mouse - microsoft sidewinder x8 speakers Logitech 5.1 system (built about 8 months ago all parts purchased from PC DIY and MSY boxhill)
  16. i just hope they dont winge that i dont have the packaging, not like im going to keep it for 6months
  17. dont think so, i downloaded the full client 9.7gig
  18. only started happening when i installed wow, doesnt happen all the time like now its fine..usually happens when im in a game and alt- tab out. spoke to two computer shops they say its the gfx..im returning it tomorow. its a ati radeon his 5050 so its pretty decent gfx, guess i got a faulty one. thanks for the help
  19. no offence but i played the 10 day trial and i was expecting it to be "wow" but the graphics tottaly suk..cant wait for diablo 3 il just stick to my sc2 till then
  20. hey guys, about 4 days ago my computer started playing up. now i dont know if its graphics card related or maybe the o.s but here is a picture of what it looks like and when ever you click it moves around. my o.s is windows 7 64bit
  21. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    coz i was the guy standing at the bus stop with an umbrella lol..
  22. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    spotted a black r33 with black rims on maroondah hwy at 3:30pm yesterday had sau stickers on the quater windows
  23. thanks once again adam for a awsome event, movie was great price but the actual movie was abit of a let down . looking forward to the next movie night!
  24. i had a look at that caryard before i bought mine, and i remember asking about that blue gtr n the guy replied its my brothers (the owners) and i bought my car aug 09 so u can imagine how long its been sitting there
  25. hey adam, what do we say when we get to the counter coz il be meeting you guys there
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