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Everything posted by MUZT3K

  1. lol flash was on i think thats y they turn out shit
  2. that hyuandai was an embarrasement i rekon
  3. sorry about the delay..had no internet..heres some pix of the meet.
  4. it was a great cruise n turn out, cops were really good, only pulling over people speeding n shit, there was sooo many cars they could of defected but didnt. cant wait till they have a next one.
  5. MUZT3K

    Spotted Thread

    spotted UNREAL... at beastclub
  6. ok cool zaver..make sure you dont speed this time cya there
  7. yer i kno...talk about r34s dominating...farkk 2 33's and like 8 34's everyones upgrading lol..
  8. na relax beastclub doesnt tolerate that stuff, they will report them asap...and theres usualy a cop present to supervise... The pines pre- meet at 8:15 Cnr of renolds rd and blackburn rd if anyways interested.
  9. great meet guys, some nice rides and great people, hope to do it again some time.
  10. hey guys, anyone comin to the pines pre-meet? p.s thanks birds for putting the meet up. cyas all tonight
  11. hey guys, just want to confirm whos coming to the pines pre meet? il be there at 7, and will leave at around 7:15-7:20
  12. thats like in the middle of both meets =p
  13. pines is betta for some of us...clayton is bit out of the way...
  14. the one off renolds bro, where the bus stop is
  15. so thats a yes basti.. see u at the pines friday =]
  16. basti, come to the pines east pre meet
  17. nice car buddy, looks really tuff good luck with your project
  18. welcome to the club mate. my names james.
  19. goodluck with it ben, hope someone spots it for you and your dad gets it back!
  20. mods delete/close thread thanks.
  21. yes i understand i appreciate your advice, but in the end it comes down to badluck, its just like saying oh shit...you bought a house in the bushes knowing that there is a risk of your house getting burnt down in the bush fire season and you wont get all the money back for the house...but people still choose to live there. life is all about taking risks and im taking it. so from this line and under no more talk about insurance because im aware of it and no more flaming unless you want an enemy and im saying it in a nice way thankyou. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. cant wait to see you on this meet Birds, we will be having a nice chat
  23. im just going to zone out from all the retards talking shit coz honestly i couldnt give a f**k what they say. im just happy im getting a r33 gts-t and thats whats this threads about so all you haters f**k off. kthxbye.
  24. you in for the pre meet jay?
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