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Everything posted by ibz08u

  1. its very bad 2 make assumption wihtout any knowlegde i was riding my bike while my car licence was suspended, copper punched in my number plate at random and found that the owner of the bike which was me was suspended, and its a statutory 12month suspension for riding or driving while suspended i was unaware that both classes get suspended, the copper waited for me to get off the highway then pulled me over so for the future just dont make assumptions without knowledge, i agree the copper was only doing his job but they have the power 2 turn a blind eye espicialy when a valid reason is given but thats life i guess
  2. hows it going people up 4 grabs is myin r33 gtst 96 series 2 black imaculate condition check it out on carsales http://www.carsales.com.au/used-cars/priva...matchallpartial car is imaculate only reason why i am selling is due to one year disqulification of licence, didnt cop it while driving copt it while riding my bike got proof a pic of the copper writing out the fine in the undercover vehicle the car is lightly modified the usual wastegate with airfilter dual boost control and other bits and pieces im only after 14900 for it negotiable of course pm me or gime a call 0415242445 located near homebush nsw more then welcomed to check it out in person pics avaible on car sales and other details of the skyline avaible ther also tc cheers
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