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Everything posted by snyper510

  1. Yeah coral bay is shite these days.. need a boat to get out past the tourists
  2. Hiya Boostzor yeah i guess im new round here... what have u been doin up north?
  3. "TO THE BEE-MOBILE!!!" i love that episode
  4. Can i ask who did u folks get ur car loans through??? and what interest are u paying?
  5. Paid off my credit card yesterday... with only $30 or so of interest incured as well does anyone have one of those virgin cards? they seem like a good deal....
  6. Ur dad is giving ur a townhouse?? lucky
  7. u are getting ur own townhouse niz? i dont have enough discipline to be thinking about house loans yet...
  8. that bed has had a hard life eh niz?
  9. i havent seen tomcats... any good?
  10. mmmm... wrought iron... kinky... :uh-huh:
  11. the posts also facilitate easy attachment of restraining devices...
  12. no food? that is hardcore
  13. why arent u having dinner?
  14. afternoon peoples
  15. hometime... bye people!
  16. http://www.beardmorebros.co.uk/website%20p...under-races.htm www.thunderraces.co.uk i wish i had foxtel... but i guess thats what mates are for
  17. heya richie
  18. The best is this show on foxtel.. where these teams are given old bombs and turn them into wikid little racecars to compete in special events... the beasts they turn out are awesome!
  19. and no motivation on my behalf to fix said master cylinder during my 5 precious days off
  20. ah yeah.. my datto doesnt even have brakes at the moment... there is a big empty spot where the mastercylinder should be
  21. peak hour traffic sux especially in an old car prone to overheating *remembers radiator blowing apart one summer afternoon on way home from work* why no brakes? i thought that coat of red u gave em woulda upped the stopping power by at least 200% hehe
  22. nah i come back every 23 days... but my last time down was a bit muddled round... 6 weeks would be a killer....
  23. yeah... its pretty dead up here most of the time... the pubs fire up on the weekend.. but there arent to many chicas to mingle with... just a mob of rowdy pissed blokes who have been worked too hard hehe
  24. 5 days to par-tay hard! got two 21st's... and hopefully a lot of random gatherings / parties / drunkeness hope the weather in perth isnt too shit though... it has been bewdiful up here!
  25. have been at this company since feb. (only finished uni last year). have been workin up here for 6 weeks or so... R&R break next week!
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