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Everything posted by DaiOni

  1. mind you, I use flash cards myself - and written repetition. I find flash cards to be the easiest method - as I can use them anywhere - I find studying at the computer very difficult and distracting (why study when you can look at cars and naked women?) For anyone studying, I highly recommend the "basic kanji" series (published by bonjinsha) - very straightforward. I know about 400 kanji and it's ultra helpful - I wouldn't say I know that 400 in-depth though (all on and kun readings), but I get by. I'm not a studious person - and that's a serious problem (motivation!). Kanji can be lots of fun. The biggest problem I had is when the kanji I was learning surpassed my vocabulary - it's very easy to learn kanji for words you already know, but when you need to learn new (non-daily usage) vocab, it becomes exponentially difficult. And I've always sucked at languages!
  2. dave: web.uvic.ca/kanji-gold/
  3. powerFc= $1000 are they really that cheap in australia? I can't get one from apex in japan for that price! (98,000yen rrp)
  4. Everything sounds good until this point: "auto but he had got plans to convert it to a manual." - golden rule of thumb: if you want a manual - BUY ONE!! It's a hell of a lot easier to say 'I'll convert it later' than to actually do it/pay for it. Other than that - great little cars.
  5. Power FC + other boost controller. The add-on doesn't seem to be well-liked at all. I'd be looking at a blitz or trust (greddy) unit myself. All depends on what your realistic budget is.
  6. 89 GTRs sold at auction are, more often than not, far from pristine vehicles. I see more GTRs than, I guess, at least 90% of the people on this forum (location obviously being the reason), and I can say that there are some sad examples out there (even more in the early 3rd gen rx7 ranks and they didn't start until very late 91). Fact: it's dangerous buying. Fact: they are wonderful cars when everything is going well. Fact: you get what you pay for. That's not to say there aren't great, cheap cars out there - because there sure are. If looking for a cheap buy, I'd actually look for a 89 km with higher (realistic) kms - as it's likely the kms are bringing down the price tag, not the condition. Of course, this is all problematic when you can't see the car you are buying - hardly ideal circumstances. I'm not a disgruntled GTR owner, I don't intend on buying one, and I don't have a vested interest (and I take comments from those with a vested interest with a pinch of salt). Just honest perspective from someone who actually sees these cars everyday - before they get shipped off to parts unknown, or resold locally in japan.
  7. [ :Oops:
  8. All non-kei class cars in japan are speed limited to 180km/h. This is often bypassed when modifying, however. It's interesting to see how many of these r32s are coming off the boat in what seems to be bad condition - I guess some people out there aren't surprised...
  9. Hmm... even better... two turbos!
  10. Ask yourself - "How serious am I going to get about performance?" - don't bother buying cheap products if you are only going to want to replace them later. I think that's common sense. An electronic boost controller would be my pick. But certainly, exhaust first. I believe that engine management is also a good thing to get in the car asap - but that all comes down to budget.
  11. I'm definitely not the most qualified to do this job - but I'd suggest you provide an enlarged scan of the first pic
  12. "nice, i was wondering what you use to drop the tyre pressure to a desired amount?" fingernail and a pressure gauge???
  13. DaiOni


    I think very few people are skilled or rich enough to run a decent car through the mountains. And, as far as I can tell, not many people in the western world have realised that. Drift is the same - they're driving old sh*tters because it's a panel-hazerdous sport Do people really think a cefiro or laurel is the ideal car for the job? D1 is about the only level of driftsports where you will commonly see a newer performance vehicle (and they're all sponsored cars anyway) That's what happens to the old performance cars - they drop in price, get bashed around as 'drifters', then get sold on to p-platers in australia and nz
  14. as a last resort: http://www.blitz-uk.co.uk/2003/downloads.h...ml#instructions
  15. why do you like that one in particular? have you looked at the c-west range - they have about ten different t-wing styles
  16. extra NVH - Noise, Vibration, and Harshness. If you have a loud car anyway (my FD isn't particularly loud) then you probably won't notice it that much. I've heard that people have pulled apart these 'gas struts' and found that they aren't a moving shock absorber at all - they just look like one Not sure if that's the case with my r-magic brace, but it certainly does it's job - the difference was very noticeable
  17. I have an engine/torque brace on my FD - really, good engine mounts would be better - if you're going to do one, you don't need to bother with the other. The downside is they can rattle a little - so the noise level goes up.
  18. "Hmmm, the thing is there are people out there paying that amount. There must be, otherwise people wouldn't bother trying to get these prices." With private sales, with such demands you definitely run the risk of pricing yourself out of the viable market. Sure, the "golden buyer" is out there, but they are few and far between. As I said, things can change drastically as time drags on and that original price you were after becomes more and more far fetched. End result is it takes a long time to sell the car and you end up with a lower price anyway. Knowing most of us, the time wasted becomes extra $$$ as things go wrong or you keep modding just for the hell of it (it's a bit of a disease, I know). With caryard prices, which is what I assume you were referring to in the following sentence, it's a different kettle of fish. For one, used car lot prices DO factor in that the price will be haggled over (something a lot of private sellers don't always do, or not to the same extent). Secondly, buying from a licenced dealer has an increased sense of security (I use the word 'sense', as, in reality, it isn't always the case...) - and this leads to a greater sticker price. It's always been the case, whether you are buying a GTR or an excel. As for GTR parts prices - they ARE often more expensive (generic items aside). And obviously, in some cases, you are buying two parts instead of one. What I find silly, is that people somethimes quote their modification costs and include labour. A $2k turbo is a $2k turbo - if you paid someone another $5k to install it, that's not going to be of interest to someone who can do the job themselves (thus the replacement value becomes quite different). Recently I had a salesman at a certain parramatta road caryard tell me that a particular s15 had over $30k in mods. It certainly wasn't the case. As I pointed this out to him, he pointed to an s-afc unit in the dash and said "that there is an $8k ecu". Maybe he even had receipts to prove it (he wasn't getting them out without a $500 deposit (tosser) - but it sure as hell wasn't a $8k unit to me, even if someone had paid over $7k to have it installed. LOL) Again, I agree that these cars are 'worth' a lot of money. Incidentally we went shopping for GTRs recently (the s15 was an alternative) and couldn't find ANY in NSW that were good - modified or not.
  19. "It's not in Option 2 is it?" That was my initial thought too - the oct 03 issue with the green famspeed FD on the cover I had a quick flick through and couldn't see it though
  20. not this one, is it?
  21. It's a buyers' market, and has been for a long time price a car is 'worth' <-------------------> price a car can actually be sold for two quite different things indeed. I think that fact is lost on a few of you. It's an all too familiar story - people hold out on a price, then find that the market price is plummeting below them (and this is skyline depreciation we are talking about). I agree in principle, some of these cars have had FANTASTIC amounts of money put into them - they 'deserve' a fair price - I'd wish for one if it were my car. However, the higher you price above the 'excellent cond.' bracket, the longer you will wait for a buyer (if he ever arrives). The longer you wait, the less likely it is that you find a buyer at your original asking price. Modifications are worth exponentially more to the owner of a car - it's a crying shame, but it's reality. Last time I was in Australia I picked up a copy of unique cars and it was worth the money just for the laugh - the same cars from a year before, asking the same $$$... (and these are all sorts of modified cars, not just skylines)
  22. my wife just bought one of these for her key ring: Mr P!
  23. Oh, and forget domo kun - this is the new god of cute 'cuddly' characters: GLOOMY!
  24. There's a punk record shop in niigata called "risky drug store" - kinda cool name, I think
  25. toyota sera - that's an early 90s car though, not sure what your definition of 'older' is
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