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Everything posted by DaiOni

  1. ...and the one's I'll take at tokyo in january (can't wait!)
  2. should see the pics I took at the osaka auto salon last year
  3. [btw, I teach at a girls senior high school if they were really that big, they'd be dangerous ] to digress slightly... nice shade of red
  4. ...and then back on topic: Real Dream Chaser
  5. why not just post a link to the page: http://www.autoascii.jp/event/auto-salon2001 then people can enjoy the girly pics too
  6. I have no idea, but have seen them listed differently in catalogues. Could the rwd/4wd matter be an issue? other than that, no idea
  7. I have a 4-door GTS with original maroon badges
  8. prices should be listed on that site - it's not particularly expensive - and well worth every $$$ (I've only been to the osaka show - and that was huuuge, can only imagine tokyo would be even better) the first day is a press-only day - primarily so they can actually get photos, rather than try and climb the hordes of happy snappers clicking away at the semi clad girlies
  9. it's mid january-ish every year I'm back in oz at around that time (being xmas...) but I hope to coincide the return trip with the date of TAS - but nothing's booked yet
  10. http://www.t-and-e.co.jp/ they are updating the site - but you can access the old site via the link there no 33 kits, but there's a 32 kit there ps: it's a crap site here's a few more obscure aero (bodykit) links for you: http://www.aeropalace.co.jp/ http://www.abroad-limited-company.co.jp/ http://www.bn-sports.co.jp/ http://www.masamotorsports.com/ http://www.usracingsports.co.jp/ http://www.hipposleek.co.jp http://www.dartizumi.com/ http://www.big-win.com/
  11. "mr2.... ?" you've got to be kidding. "...part wise there isnt (or NO) difference between AUst MX5 and Jap Import MX5???" read my post
  12. the japanese prefer double din primarily because they tend to bu dual cd/md players myself, I opted for a single din unit so I could load the other space with controllers (defi gauges, fan controller, etc)
  13. put it this way - I drive a third generation rx7 - considered by many to be the best all-round handling rwd jap car of all time. best handling car I've ever owned/driven? 1990 roadster/mx5 I had a basic jap model and here's a few things it had over the base oz model - bilstein shocks, std lsd, 10 extra kW deifinitely worth getting an import (if the insurance doesn't set it off too much). my mx5 cost me A$3.5k (in japan) these cars are looooooooooooots of fun - just don't expect miracles in a straight line
  14. ...and what was he doing with the 12,000 yen? buying dinner?
  15. "Have you considered exporting a car when (if) you leave Japan? The laws on importing cars in to Australia say that you have to have owned the car for 6 months and have is registered. Then you throw it in a crate...save your 12,000 Yen for a few months then buy a whole heap of cheap 2nd parts...throw them in a crate and come home...fit some to the car and sell the rest for a tasty profit." though rezz would know it, this info is waaay off the mark.
  16. yeah, the gauge cycles on start up, beeps, has a whizz-bang closing down 'ceremony' etc I got them because they are made by a company that specialises in gauges - not a company that makes all sorts of shit, and does gauges on the side. I've shopped around and they are by far the best quality on the market. And yeah, expensive, but not as bad from within japan (cost me about 34,000 yen for the control unit, boost gauge and holder)
  17. "What hose could you blow that would affect boost? Intercooler plumbing? Silicon hoses on the intake plumbing? They'd all REDUCE boost, so you don't have to worry" I'm talking about the sequential setup of a late model rx7, which is my case. Your original post didn't specify 'skylines' which is why I responded as such. On my car, the boost gauge is a neccesity - which is why 'people' sometimes need them. However, I can't imagine why having a boost gauge would be a bad thing on any turbocharged car. The defi gauges have a memory function - so you can record the boost gauge (for around 3 minutes) and play it back. This is a great little diagnostic tool - which has plenty of uses.
  18. "Boost and temp will be cheap Splitfires" Don't get anything cheap - unless you just want them for the 'looks'. Otherwise you are defeating the purpose of trying to accurately monitor what's going on with your car. As for "why have a boost gauge?" - if I, for example, blew a hose, the boost gauge would instantly tell me that. If there is a problem with the car, and it is boost related, the gauge will instantly tell me that. If my car starts to spike (for whatever reason), I can see it instantly and shut her down. And my other 2c: buy defi
  19. I believe defi actually sells a 3-gauge din set
  20. ...which is a copy of the apexi page
  21. ECR33 - 93/8`98/5 - RB25DET - 414-N012 (commander is #415-X001, boost controller add-on is #415-A001) www.apexi.co.jp would have told you this
  22. NSX-R!!!!!!!!!!!!! - there's a huge difference (see the rx7 vs gtr thread for times etc)
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