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Everything posted by fieds83

  1. Name a price, location and contact details. I would not ask anyone to suggest a price but i will give you 16,000
  2. I suppose its ok then, my first one was a fairly fresh engine with only 2000kms on it.
  3. Good luck with the sale, mine sold after 2 weeks. Only had one enquiry in SA, ended up going to Sewid in Sydney.
  4. As the title suggests, just wanting to know what is considered healthy compression for an RB26. My last one was between 173-176 accross the board. I was just looking at another car that came up cheap and the claimed comp test results were between 145-155 accross all cylinders which seems to me a little low. Is it low or reasonable for a claimed 65,000 km engine?
  5. There is also a black two tone witht the grey interior that looks pimp though again black on its own looks plain unless with a nice kit. Once lowered and the arches filled out they look far from a camry and show alot more class. Scroll down and click on thumbnails. http://www.supraforums.com.au/forum/showth...6625&page=3
  6. Glad you made it home safely, i miss the car already.
  7. Your importer is ripping you off at that price. There are a lot of GTR's already in Australia, registered complied and without the 8-12 week wait to get it on the road. I would say budget 30k and get yourself a good local car, i just sold mine just under 30k with a fresh built engine with forged internals. It was a 96 series 2 in mint condition. When i was looking to buy there were a lot of cars around the 30k mark and even cheaper with a bit of negotiation.
  8. Spotted my car driving off with its new owner from the airport yesterday, sad to see it go it is a nice car.
  9. might just hit the bay in an hour or two and see what happens
  10. Thought i might revive this thread, going for my last drive in the GTR tonight before it gets picked up tomorrow. I am going to miss this car, i have not had it long but it was an enjoyable time.
  11. The cops dont defect anymore they just steal your car, remove all the defectables(parts of value) and sell them on ebay But on a more serious note, lets get these mofo's
  12. Yep, i did the radiator in mine at the start of the year. Apart from that it was a beautiful car to drive, i really took my time finding one and ended up with the cleanest example my compliancer and anyone in Adelaide had seen. Be carefull as there are alot of shitty examples and try to get one of the later models as they are getting a little long in the tooth anyway. I spent weeks scouring the auctions trying to find the right car and it payed off. Most people seem to go for silver and it has now become the most common colour and that is exactly how it looks, common just like any other camry or commodore. I personally went with pearl two tone as it show the class/style that it was designed too and the tan interior looks better than the grey/blue once again common interior. Just my opinion though.
  13. Sold..........I want it back and it has not even left my house yet
  14. Sotted R33PER at Boostworx this afternoon when i was picking up my comp test results for my gtr. It had just shat a water pump while it was on the dyno.
  15. I will be posting Dyno and compression test results at the end of the day.
  16. Think i spotted MissR34 tonight on Bower Road heading towards Grand Junction, Commercial Road intersection. I was in my GTR.
  17. So, how about tonight? Anyone up for a cruise or is everyone most likely going to be defected?
  18. All PM's replied, there seems to be a lot of interest but i am yet to see a deposit
  19. Sorry guys, the wife got home from work early and ended up staying at home watching the bourne identity nad bourne supremacy. We had to watch these as the wife refused to see ultimatum untill she had seen the first two. Sounds like i would have disappointed the flamin mongrelstuble's anyway with my stock standard gtr in their defect stations. They have been bad the last couple of weeks.
  20. Bring on the pm's
  21. the bat cave?
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