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Everything posted by fieds83

  1. Good morning. As i have already stated, people must do their own research for their own piece of mind. I simply posted my expeience and stated that i did not have a problem getting passed with the mods i listed. As far as i can see, by the wording of your post you are still waring your hat, i dont need to sware to get my point accross unlike yourself. As for digging up ADR's, i dont care as my cars passed the inspections(some defect, some numbers checks the inspectors paid the same amount of attention to my cars and checked for the same things). Lucky or not i just did what regency said to do before the inspections and did not have any problems. I have at no stage tried to tell you are wrong just posted my actual experiences. Have a nice day. P.S.lets try not to hi-jack this thread any more than we already have, I posted voicing my experience, not to have an argument over the finer details of what you think is "bullshit" about them.
  2. I posted based on my EXPERIENCE, take it or leave i dont care. I have taken two cars through with boot mounted pumps, the only car i was unable to do this with was my lx hatch as the fuel pumps are esentially in the main cabin. My 19's are legal as the gtr came with 17's, as the car comes with a front mount an aftermarket one is not illegal, my filters went through with no problems and two people in this thread including myself have been given the same information regarding carbon fibre bonnets. I have also taken 3 cars through with coilovers as have several family members with no trouble at all. Many people have been unjustly defected based on the officers own personal feelings, this does not make their judgement fact thats why they order you to have your car inspected and dont just impound it instantly. I have been defected several times for things that have been totally legal and had the car passed as the officer inspected it. Strangely enough my most modified car never recieved a defect but was passed as it had to go through for a numbers check and i did my research before i went in. I am not debating that the cops wont defect you, i am simply stating that they are not always correct in their judgement on vehicle modifications. Just because they defect you does not mean your car wont pass a regency inspection. I have now put 5 cars through regency whether it be for numbers check or defect and always passed, maybe its because i do my research first or maybe they just like me. P.S. Why are you so aggressive, chill out and take your emo hat off.
  3. I have owned all in question including gtst, supra, gtr, gtt etc and all had similar handling mods performed. I cant speak from a track perspective but anyone that knows a certain few roads in Adelaide hills knows what i am speaking of(most of which are in the classic adelaide rally). My Gtr's were the best handling followed by the supra. Both drove very differently. My supra had the later 4 pot front 2 pot rear combo and was great and felt as good as the brembos on my Gtr's including repeated heavy braking. Both of the above handled much better than my gtst and my gtst brakes were no where near the Brembos or the supra 4 pots for repeated heavy braking.
  4. Stock for stock the supra will still outhandle a gtst, mod for mod it will still outhandle a gtst.
  5. No problems, i went in and spoke to a gentleman at regency regarding a range of mods on the car. As you remember it was extensively modified and according to him the only thing that needed to be done was raise the car, remove the tint, remove the computer, injectors and baffle the exhaust. To some that may sound like a lot but the list of things that needed to be removed was shorter than most would think. Things that were fine were on my car: 19's carbon fibre bonnet coilovers(though needed to be raised but being adjustable is not a problem for regency) hks filters intercooler two boot mounted 044 bosch pumps(he stated that the pumps were fine but the original computer and injectors would need to be in place). I did the research first so that if and when i wanted to change the vic reg over to sa i would only have to go through once. Obviously Luke yours has some slightly different mods in other respects but the carbon bonnet will be fine according to the gentleman that i spoke to at regency. He actually stated to me that yes the cops may have a problem with some of the mods but they were by no means illegal and would not have a problem passing an inspection. Still, give them a call or drop in regarding all your mods before you go for your inspection just for peace of mind. They wont defect you over the phone or counter, they will appreciate that you are trying to comply with their standards.
  6. He is welcome to do as he pleases, he has also seen my bonnet which was fine when i approached regency regarding its legality just 3 months ago. EDIT: After inspecting the pics of the car, it is in fact the same bonnet.
  7. Those who complain about the weight of the supra are totally misinformed, the supra weighs 1510kg go and check the weight of an r33 or 34 gtr and you will get a surprise. The 2JZ shits all over the RB26 for strength, durability and potential. The six throttlebody manifold on the RB26 is a beautiful thing but is a negligable advantage in the overall scheme of things. Lets face it, that extra .4 of a litre more than makes up for those throttle bodies. The 6 speed Getrag is near invinceable, there are supras popping the front wheels off the ground run after run will over 1000rwhp and still standing upto the power, torque and abuse on an unopened gearbox. It is possible to break one but very rare all the same unlike anything nissan. Yes the stock turbos are a pain in the ass but there are many options if you are a switched on supra owner. There are many supras running high flowed steel wheeled twins making 320+rwkw. My cousins does 327rwkw on US spec factory turbos, there is now also a manufacturer who replaces the standard cartridge with a GT28R cartridge not to mention the number of single turbo kits available. Traction issues, what traction issues??? You can fit 325's on the rear just by rolloing the lip and getting the right offset. By the way, its just not a fair comparison. The supra so far above the gtst(which was the original caomparison remember?) its not fair to compare. Supra Vs Gtr, well they are chalk and cheese and both have their strong and weak points. I am not biased, i am experienced and have owned the cars in question plus many others and if i wanted many miles of trouble free enjoyable driving(sometimes a little spirited) then i would pick the supra. Skylines, including gtr's(the r34 less so) are just too expensive to make strong, reliable and powerful.
  8. Carbon fibre bonnet will be fine.
  9. Yep over 2040 hp, vid in the other thread.
  10. These guys are resetting standards so regularly its rediculous http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=LpFRBc0ZdoE
  11. Even the Americans are impressed, just check out http://www.supraforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=473246
  12. Glad it was finally made public, though there is more than one group in the process of putting forward proposals for a new complex in SA with a few common sense locations on the board.
  13. I have a dedicated gas ford ute, i never took it to ford for log book servicing as my local Repco mechanic was half the price and was able to service without voiding the factory warranty. I definately save $$ over my petrol equivilant.
  14. Either way $160,000 is damn cheap for the performance on offer.
  15. They are taking tentative orders, your dreposit secures a place in line but there is no solid pricing or spec info at this stage. When i first enquired they told me to expect around $120,000 now they are telling me anywhere upto $160,000. They were taking deposits based in 120-130 ath the start and seeing that it looks improbable that they will be that cheap those people will subsequently have their deposits returned if they no longer wish to proceed.
  16. I agree, close it. There is nothing more to say.
  17. Yeh i have heard good things about the quality of Manta's work, they are pricey but efficient.
  18. Did he build that engine? cos it sounds like you have excessive crankcase pressure due to poor ring seal. Your engine should not be blowing oil out the dipstick even it was left out.
  19. Mick was a useless tool, i remeber him building a twin gt35r powered 2JZ that only pulled 370rwkw. The owner spent rediculous amounts of money building an engine that could have had the same power with a single gt35r on stock internals.
  20. Totally agree that experience is the key, the only drama with Nengun and the like is the timeframe. Hi Octane had the kit ready to go and i did not have to worry about getting slugged unexpected import duties etc I am sure it probably could have been done cheaper in regards to parts though i bought it like this and its not necessarily the approach i would have taken. Personally, not being in a hurry i would have shopped around for the best prices though most shops go with what they have direct access to.
  21. That was drive in drive out, they sourced the kit from Hi Octane Racing. Boostworx are very well organised, efficient and easy to deal with. Sorry i passed the recipts on to the new owner so i am unsure of exact amount for labour. Give Shaun a call he will be able to give a reasonably accurate estimate. There were no nasty surprises in regards to price.
  22. I was the owner of the car and I was not contacted and at no stage gave you permission to dyno the car with the problems you thought it had. When i asked you for a dyno figure you stated that the car had been run up at full load and put out over 400rwkw which after and only after i asked for more info you told me that the dyno was uncalibrated. You never mentioned at any stage that you did a half run up on the dyno but did admit to full load run. You were NEVER INSTRUCTED BY MYSELF THE OWNER to put the car on the dyno with what you thought was a possible problem. I know the car was loaded up as you stated to me that it had peaked at 26psi which it has never seen on the street, it spkes to 24 and settles to 22 on the street. Two seperate and well known workshops did leakdown and compression tests in front of myself and the new owner and came up like the 9000km old engine that it is. The results were near perfect and a total contrast to your results. Yes it is a known fact that cylinder number 5 generally leans out first, though cylinder number 5 in my engine had not leaned out and there was no damage. In fact when it was put on the dyno at the second workshop the car was actually running quite rich accross the whole rev range and timing was overly safe. There were no other symptoms of my engine having a problem. All gauges regardless of brand need regular calibration, just because it is snap on does not mean it was calibrated and accurate. When i asked you where Mark was you stated that he was in the US for a drift meet, how did he assess the gearbox? I never stated that the transfer case was rebuilt, however i did state that it was inspected and in good condition. The two other workshops also stated that the tranfer case was in reasonable condition, not brand new but certainly not on it's way out as you stated. I had such confidence in the car i drove it to Melbourne to have it inspected by a workshop with an outstanding reputation for new owner. It came up in excellent condition, this workshop also knows their GTR's and is responsible for some of the quickest and highest powered street cars in the country. The whole inspection was carried out in front of me and the new owner which resulted in a healthy report and sale of the car. If i had taken your word for gospel i would have wasted thousands pulling apart a healthy engine for no reason. What would you have done when there was no problems to be found? probably sent me a bill for $4,000 labor. I understand that you dont like what i have to say, infact once mentioned i left it and the thread was lost back in the pages. I am only responding to those that keep bringing it up. What i stated above is what happened and is the blunt truth with all the bullshit put aside. As for blown engines of the past i can not comment as i was not involved, my issues with you were the first hand experiences stated above. Brady, i am sure you know your stuff but on this particular day you left a lot to be desired.
  23. My first gtr had the engine built, drive in drive out $9000 CP forged pistons/rings Eagle H-beam rods ARP rod bolts Tomei sump baffles Tomei metal head gasket Reco stock head acl race series bearings N1 oil pump Gates Racing tming belt Extreme clutch machining, paint, reassemble and install This was by Boostworx in SA.
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