hey all, i just shimmed my diff on the weekend and thought id tell u all how it went and how my diff is now.....
well it was all straight forward to do thanx to the awsome step by step instructions thanx to trust33, thanx man. however, it took farkin ages due to how tight all the bolts were. i bashed my arm like 5 times in the same spot, skined knuckels and i even bashed my head on the concrete when i put all my might in2 undoin a bolt and it broke free and i went flying lol. the bolts were so tight even my mates rattle gun didnt undo them, i had to use a vice and hammer for those 10 bolts inside the diff. was it worth it u ask, f*k yeh it was. my diff went from single spining all the time to a locker at the moment, i hope it wears in and stops chirping and bouncing around ever corner soon. i replaced the two .8mm shims with 1.49mm shims and its TIGHT as now. the car feels solid as on the road and if i give it to her she steps out nicly, much easyer to control now. i recomend if u are going to do this defenently have...1, a good large vice..2, a mate to help u lift it in and out cuz its heavy.. and 3,lots of paitants cuz it gets frustrating. thanx trust33, i'll let u know how it wears in, in about a month and good luck to anyone that atempts it, its not hard but took me about 7 hours cuz of all the tight bitches.