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Everything posted by MADGT4

  1. Yeah so how do we get a copy of the video man cos i wanna c it
  2. I have a R32 GTS4 and my badges are blue???? So figure that one out cos mine is turbo
  3. Is that just the springs or the whole shock/spring? if it is i'll take em!
  4. Well i moved to darwin for a year and changed my licence to a NT one and when i moved back to SA i went to change my licence back to an SA one and they were gonna keep me on the NT system because they thought i originally got my licence there, but i explained it to em and got back 2 the SA system... So i dunno how u would go changing your licence over but i mean hey it would b worth a try, i mean all u can get is a no. One thing worth a mention tho is i love the NT system how u don't loose points for speeding no matter what state your in.... One of my mates managed to get one and he lives in SA got done doing 160 in a 110 zone which is instant loss of licence but the cop saw his licence and just said yep no worries
  5. Bugger! Thanx for the tip looks like i might be doing that then And its not inconsistant its like consistantly leaking so yeah and mainly on the passanger side for some unknow reason, theres only a very small amount coming into the drivers foot well... Um now does anyone know how easy/hard it is to remove basically all the dash like Red17 said?
  6. Yeah but i checked it and it looked greenish and plus smells like coolent????? So water pump/heater? Anyone got any idea on the price i will b looking at to get it fixed?
  7. I have no idea why or how but i THINK i have coolent coming into my cabin from the foot vent in the car and its all over the carpet and it only comes out when i corner????? My car did over heat a lil the other day but now its all back 2 normal but i just wanna know why this shit is leaking into my car?!?!?!?!? Plz help!
  9. Good Cruise. COP free which made it even better... Need more boost than just the stock stuff to keep up..... Good to meet a few of u... i'll have 2 speak up a lil next time tho :S hehe
  10. I Will be there finally! My First Cruise yippy! Now that i am a resisdent of adelaide i can't wait, just let me know about the meeting place and i'll b there.
  11. Hey just wondering who's 33 is in the Latest issue of Ralph mag theres a picture of some club and theres a white 33 parked out the front..... Look smicko thats all. Can't wait till i come back up there also pay a visit to all me mates
  12. I MAY buy it a few days after crissie but u will have 2 freight it 2 SA thats the only problem, i will pay freight if thats all cool?
  13. How much does he want for Just the Passenger and Driver Seats?
  14. I'm interested in the G/box and how do u know that they have only done 70k? And would u take $1100?
  15. Ok heres one for ya, I SWEAR my HKS foam is purple, but i can't hear any sucking noise at all not as good as my mates 33 its awesome! just hink 33's make a huge sucking sound over the 32's
  16. Yeah can some one post a link or Host it somewhere or something?
  17. And just quickly the cop replied to me "I get 20 Defects a month" in a proud way... HAHAHAHA WOT THA And i said back to him "if i had the yellow stickers at work i would have 20 a day" and this is a traffic cop, i mean common i bet all of you would see 20 car a day that shouldn't be on the road! Just shows wot a stand up job they are doin to actually get the unsafe cars off the road!
  18. I Think the time is nearing when the protest idea is not a joke and should be considered seriously. Registering in QLD basically seriously seems the only possible problem solvent to this.... And yeah why don't they pick on Commonwhores (not just them) and all the other cars that shouldn't be on the road! I've said to a traffic cop before that "i work in a servo and the amount of cars that come in and shouldn't be on the road is a joke" I was also very temped to say "do your job properly and get them off the road, the cars that ARE unsafe not me" MAYBE next crusie we can have a meeting about the curent problem and how its just going too far because i bet there isn't one person on this SA section of the forum that hasn't been done before! I just wish we could get together and fight the common problem that we all have with the police picking on us specificly... Leave the round lights alone unless they are genuinly doing something wrong!
  19. Yeah they normally check my kick panel. But they will even be opening up your ECU Box to check if you have a Aftermarket CPU You know the kind that just go straight into your existing Box with out looking like its modded. So if true i think ppl are gonna have 2 start gettin readdy for some super bending ove.... As if we didn't do enough already! And just off the topic i heard another rumor that the new Import Laws are goin up to 17 years?!?!?!?!? I'm happy my car will be worth alot more but i feel sorry for those ppl that want a 'Line
  20. I "HEARD" this but i dunno how true it is but..... Someone said you guys are gettin ex-tuners from WA workin for regency. Just heard that along the grape vine but like i said i'm unsure of how true it is tho. But if true that is scary because they will know 10 times more than those know it all's down there
  21. Is this the Plastic Wheel Not ceramic cos if it is i'll give u $550 for it for sure but i'm in SA so i'll have to work some kinda payment out
  22. Where are they cut from? Top of the B Pillar? well it don't really matter as soon as u get me pics they r sold man i'll take em i just wanna c em and see where they r cut from
  23. Your First Post and u come in here like u own the joint huh. Well its all good now i have been told by other cops a fine at the most.... Just chill out slipperywhennotboostingcosigotnoboost
  24. Didi u see me mates EVO3, silver one with 18's? no plates MAD EVO? he's not from adelaide its a sweet ride but i don't like the tail lights he just put on there but wish i coulda made it there ay
  25. WICKED IDEA MAN Mass organised rally "Calling All SA Clubs" I dunno how long its gonna last but i'm not puttin it back on the road till a few days before i move 2 adelaide, so the Traffic Nazi's don't get me.
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