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Everything posted by 9krpm

  1. I hope so.....
  2. unfortunately not ready atm still doing the boring break in km, no boost or vtec I am hoping to get some low boost in the next 1-2 weeks if Martin has some time on his sleeves
  3. I live in Mile End (about 2 mins from Thebarton). I will be keen to hit mallala again in middle of sept if my car is ready give me a hoy if you get a chance to go it's prob around 40-60mins to get there we went there in convoy last time so it didn't feel that long at all matt, andrew, john.....are you guys ready for mallala in middle of sept? steve, are you coming this time?
  4. hey trick, could you drop me a pm as well as always, I will try to make it
  5. chris, are you sure it's not because your gear box is stuffed too from the 50kph limit ?
  6. sorry for ya chop andy, the proofs have been established in the UK; 50kph is a load of crap, caused more accidents and give the police force a pay rise! The 50kph limit has been retracted in the UK or so I've been told by the media There is no common sense when it comes to speed limit these days. It's a joke to see -50kph on Days Road, Regency -60kph on Port Road and Anzac Highway ..just to name a few of my daily frustrations. There were so much BS from the government and media before the 50kph legislation. Do you guys recall the "think about the impact campaign on TV" where it showed the breaking distance and rear end collision speed of 2 old ?Falcons. The one with the first car breaking distance at 60kph and the second car breaking distance at 70kph and the rear end collision. This was a load of crap. What it fails to show media is if the second car was to travelled at 60kph the accident still happen because the second car will take the same distance to stop. Therefore the front of the second car will stop by the time it reaches the front of the 1st car. Now the first car occupy the last bit of the stopping distance of the second car the accident is designed to occurr....bloody politicians!!! Oh and the other one where 2 cars travelled 50 and 60kph and got to a destination in the same amount of time DURING PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC IN THE CITY My motto has always been, reduce braking distance will reduce laccident. Braking distance can be reduced by lowering car tax, brake/tyres taxes and better road condition. Is there any politician onboard
  7. how many km have you travelled in these? how many track day? Can I have a pict of the tread to [email protected]? how much will it cost to send them down via bus etc...to South Australia?
  8. me too...pick me pick me :wassup: hehe could you please add me to your invite list as well martin? I would love to hear the supercharger whine on this beast :thumbup: [email protected]
  9. ^ what's the expected power as well Martin?
  10. anxious to see the result
  11. thanks Martin Is there any falcon out there with a V7 Martin? The V7 looks very impressive. hmmmm I wonder what a V2 SQ will do for a 2 L
  12. everyone is beating me betta have a go again when I have more time BTW what happened to the handsfree walkie talkie group buy? Should we wait or should we try to get a group buy discount from Jaycar directly?
  13. martin, which superchager was used by the Falcon?
  14. sounds good Nightcrawler....yeah 9am is pushing it a tad cheeky Matt can I have your address nightcrawler? It would be good if you could come busky. It's been a while since I saw you guys How are your exams going? When do they finish?
  15. what time are you guys going there? what time is the meeting? I'll try to come with my mechanic (no not in my car ) if he's not working this weekend.
  16. serve you right for standing around Shell petrol pump!!! ONLY J/K Sorry for the bad news bro Damn, Chris got defected I hope you guys pull through this one
  17. could you also let us know the brand of the resistor? it looks like my parcel will FTA have to dig out my year 12 electronics books now :wassup:
  18. 150 bucks I can get some resistor from Jaycar for less than 5 bucks
  19. how much is it new mist?
  20. it sounds like you are in the same boat as me some old cars have them eg honda CRX or you can wire a 8.5 ohms in series per injector, this should increase the resistance to around 11ohms and prevent :flamed: the ecu I've yet to try to any of these methods as my friend is sending me a box so I don't know which brand of resistor to use.....may be other guru will help.
  21. thanks for all the info steve and others sorry to dug this old thread out but it's been a good read I am in the market for a mechanical diff preferably 1.5 way but I don't mind 1 or 2 ways. Can anyone help?
  22. I think we should have another poll for those dates again and the one with more votes wins BTW I can't attend on the 4th, my mate is getting engaged on the independent day If we could have it on the 11th of July in th evening, I'll be in for sure.
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