enrico I don't think you are the only slow one tonight
(after reading this thread again ) I think a lot of points has been raised, misunderstood and passed aside. I don't think any point has been settled at all.
What a waste of time
I'll take my hat off any time to Martin and some of the members on this thread for what he/they have to done for the community. So I hope no offense is taken for the comment.
Correct me if I am wrong here, tuning a street car is a lot more time consuming than a drag car and possibly more difficult to please the customer too. Drag car tuning is mainly at wot. Whereas street car involves wot, partial throttle, acc and decc fuel/timing etc. It's even more complicated when you have so many permution of branded mods and custom mods. You don't expect to drop it to a tuner for a few hours or days and expect excellent result expecially for just a dyno tune. It's a working progress for a perfect result. Steve, just be cause Bai can tell you those things by looking at your maps doesn't mean that he is the best tuner in the world does it? It just shows that he knows about tuning. Anyone locally MAY be able to do the same thing.
Correct me again if I am wrong (so much pressure when there are so many experts here :kick: heheheheheh). On top of that most of the EMS or equipment used in the community is sometimes not ideal or incomplete or worst inferior. This will make it even harder for the tuner to please the customer. If you don't believe me on this, why don't you get a motec system with wideband, egt and logging software and see what martin can do if you pay him $1500 for tuning;) Wouldn't take you long to tune with these toys, would it martin?
BTW How do you rate a tuner as best tuners? Do you rate them on the basis of cost, max kw, drivability, communication, reputation, lead time etc etc
Tuners have different approach to tuning too.
How can you compare tuners? Wouldn't this be a personal thing?
If you are that good and accurate at judging the tuning skills of the tuners you will have to be a bloody good tuner yourself in my book
:wavey: when will import drivers learn to stop whinging
sorry if I :slap: hehehe
see you at the next street meet every body