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Everything posted by 9krpm

  1. Enrico, how dificult is it to tune the adjustable cam? Who do you recommend for the task? I should hopefully have my first coilovers in the car by next sunday, will need you guys to give me a advice or two about drifting
  2. Steve, that's the point I am making. It's SPEED (=heavy right foot ) and not ACCELERATION (=power of the car) that affects the braking distance. The government just like to confuse this point to make more $$$. The government just automatically, or should I say undeducately or what ever their motive was, assumed that the more powerful car will travel faster. We all know that speed has nothing to do with power of the car....it's how you drive it. Thank you for your research about the engine size vs braking capacity. That is very helpful for my case Thx
  3. "More power = better acceleration = reduced reaction time = increase braking capacity to compensate" I dont think there is any proven research to prove that: better acceleration = reduced reaction time Reaction time is an individual thing. It's another BS from government
  4. But hold on....if I use a better brake alot, I will emit "undue noise and emission (asbestos or the likes)"
  5. Does that means after my brake upgrade I can speed legally
  6. That's very kind of him. Someone else I talked to before, told me to return the mod to where I purchase it. I was then told to get it emission check only. I called back another time and they now said I need emission test and engineering report BTW What has it got to do with the government whether a more powerful car need a brake upgrade? I thought braking distance is related to mass, brake efficiency and SPEED. There is no relation to power at all unless one speed or brake and gas at the same time. Does the government automatically think that you will break the speed limit with a more powerful car? Good work Steve. When you have your petition ready I will gladly support/sign with my email. I think we should use email names rather than our real names to save hassle later on.
  7. is it ok with everyone if we start a little bit earlier than 1100, so we can get have more fun time before lunch
  8. Is farting in the car defectable? only j/k I do have a few burning questions though: Is adjustable coilover defectable? Why? Why is BOV defectable? Noise or emission? If emission then is using a filter to "catch the emission" make it legal? Just be careful about this tactic Steve. It may backfire at us. I know 1-2 pple who work there. They are generally nice but they don't have much tolerance for embarassment. We better not stir them too much otherwise they will give us more sh*t. We better take that NSW cruise before this lobby Steve Please don't turn up the heat too soon.
  9. Nightcrawler, I've always want to do this. It would be great fun getting everyone to come out. I better hurry with my car mods. It's might be a little bit rush but, my car may not be complete yet. I betta hurry up...nothing like a little extra peers pressures Bring it on, bring it on
  10. this sounds very good I like to come along if you guys don't mind to much I won't bring my volvo
  11. Mits is a private company and they have nothing to do with this enivironment BS. They just happen to have a machine because the EPA enforce the restriction and they like to sell cars that can comply with the restriction. Mits spent a lot of money on the testing facility and since they are the only one in SA, they can charge what ever they want. Unless your car is made by Mituhishi or you have affiliation with Mits, the penalty for the test is high. Mits are very busy too. The reason they don't tell where ppl fail and charge high price is to deter pple from getting them to carry out the test. The blame is on the government for enforcing the EPA restrictions without having a facility accessible and affordable for the public. Legally this is incorrect and if WE lobby hard enough, they will hopefully build one. I am really sick of this BS too. Why do we have to prove that our car meet the restriction or we get a fine? Shouldn't it be the other way around, where the government need to prove that we are "guilty" before we get charge?
  12. Sorry I am now 90% certain that I won't work there I will be moving to place nearby but not in Mits It looks like I will have to take that road trip with you next year cyrius, where do you work? Please PM me if you like to disclose that information to the public
  13. dyno roller???? how long does it take to remove one of those thing? Didn't rpm has an alarm system or did the cops got lazy?
  14. Sorry I am not an electrician Tim. I would not even know what to do for this conversion. Love to help you with your transplant m8 but I am clueless
  15. sorry guys I could not make it last nite tooo next time
  16. Thanks for the info steve. As I mentioned before, I have to do this as I don't like the risk of jeopardising my asset if something happen. I am doing this the hard way because I affiliate with a few ppl and can pull a few strings. I might..finger cross...... be able to get most of cost of this headache sponsored as well. The emission testing does not cost me 3.5k and I hope that the guys there do tell me what goes wrong if it fails. I think I will be working at Mits next year so they better look after me.......otherwise they will get worst treatment from me I hope that most of my contacts keep their ends of the bargain otherwise I will take a trip to NSW with you. I just don't like skippies on the highway. BTW I am still looking for the info that I promised you...I must have missed place it somewhere. Will fax that to you asap.
  17. hey guys, how much is a 225/50/16 bridgstone re 540?
  18. Go girls!!!!! So guys and girls when are we going to do this again? I had so much fun last time hmmmm may go topless again :uh-huh: Next month may be a little bit tooo early for me to try to get that 12 but if there is a good turn out like this one..... I may try to hurry my mods
  19. how much are the 540's for 16" rim?
  20. same place sounds good see ya all there
  21. easy easy redback....it's friday mate. I own a commodore tooo...we are just mucking around here
  22. hey chops, what did they say?
  23. Yes....it's on the disclaimer but's that's technically incorrect as my convertible still has a roll hoop and is street legal. I was bitterly disappointed with my first few runs so I did not care and just rolled up to the strip with my hood down I thought they might send me off again but they did not heheheh that was funny!!!
  24. Tim, you obviously missed my roofless run down the drag strip with my music system on almost full blast...hehehhehhe that was fun....still manage to get 13.9 with that run (my 2nd fastest for the night) :lol: So is it sub13.5 or sub 13 that I need a roll cage?
  25. hey guys what's the fastest time allowed for a convertible without a roll cage to be on the drag strip?
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