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Everything posted by 9krpm

  1. I am in SA. What is the rule or are the rules here? Can you have any gauge at all in the car? Where is the legal placement? Is there anything in writing at all? What happen if I drive my car to say Sydney? Will I get defect for having gauge installed in my dashboard?
  2. What is the legality of these? Is it illegal to add gauges? If not where can you put them to make sure I dont get pull over by SS commies?
  3. The forecast has been fairly inaccurate lately. I hope that it will not bee too bad. Don't let a little bit of drizzle spoil the fun everyone!!! Less roos and ss commies on the road if it rain anyway
  4. hehehe I will vote for him if he does
  5. Martin, can you please work on my car on Saturday?
  6. how are they compared? Is the so3 worth the extra $140
  7. what is the offset for the r34's wheels?
  8. Thanks How much is the ST115 in 255/35/18?
  9. How is the ST115 compare to SO3? How much is it for a 255/35/18?
  10. Looks like it will be fun I can offer someone a lift....it might makes things a little bit less boring for me if my other mate is grounded by his wife
  11. Sat 23 sounds good How about a quick caffeine shot and a twinkle at petrol station in town before we go?
  12. 9krpm

    Track day?

    Here is their website http://www.mallala.com/ Looking under Info>>practice day....it's seems like the next one is on Saturday 27th of September. Does this sound good anyone?
  13. 9krpm

    Track day?

    I've been testing the Gtech pro with a mate and the result is fairly accurate. The run can also be saved and downloaded onto a laptop for analysis. We should have this organise soon. May be we should have random weight days at some weight bridge before the mallala day. We can then do a mallala day with 3/4 days of track and 1/4 day of drag strip performance Does anyone have access to a weight bridge? Does mallala provide open day on the weekend?
  14. Thanks for the head up Ronin. I will give them a call. Is there anyone else I should consider for a 3 years old modded car?
  15. Who beside just car insurance do you guys insure your modded toys? Who would you recommend for a moderately modded car? Many thanks in advance
  16. Bummer, I have other commitment on Sunday afternoon Is there a half day thing or does it have to go for a whole day? Will the cops be there again?
  17. Nah that Honda's mag was stock as well. The driver is good though Sound like a good fun day. Hope to see you guys there
  18. Joel, how do you get your sump baffled? Is there a place in SA that can do this? Or do you buy one premade? Thanks in advance.
  19. What's the recommended offsets on the GTR?
  20. wooohooo very good....thanks for the suggestion brute I know and looked after a few ppl in these fields...will bring my car there heheheehhe I can't wait for the GTECH to get here. So when does everyone want to go to Mallala? When is a good day for you guys?
  21. Does anyone know where we can weight our cars for ??free
  22. http://www.gtechpro.com/gtechprocomp_howitworks.html you need to know the weight of the car I'll show it to you next time talk more later
  23. U guys are funny PH was a racist selfish pig in politic. I got no idea wat you are on about here BTW My blood boiled since when I was robbed of 10kph on the street where I had no right to vote for it at all The excuses given were full of BS with lack of any evidence to fool the general public. The only ways to reduce mortality/morbidity/car accident are to reduce tax on car and car accessories and better maintenance of the road. This will 1. allows more safer cars on the road 2. reduce braking distance 3. safer roads Damn cvnning government. Now, who want to vote for me? Only j/k
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