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Midnight Monkey

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About Midnight Monkey

  • Birthday 03/12/1979

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  1. You guys need an upgrade then. The beast I was using for those pics on www.rwdturbo.com was a 6 Mega Pixel camera with 10x optical zoom.
  2. Thanks to Rianto for organising a top group to come out to the Skid Pan. Once again Skylines Australia was an excellent group. I am sure everyone loved watching Kevin in their cars, as everyone does. Anyway I told over 250 photos and have posted a Gallery here: http://www.rwdturbo.com/incoming.html?loca...bo/gallery.html As usual I have resized all the pics to 800 x 600. The originals are uncompressed 6 mega pixel photos, that print out as massive posters. If anyone wants the orginal photos email me at [email protected]. However note the I charge $5 per pic, or 3 for $10. But once you get them printed you'll believe me that its worth it. Also for anyone who is interested Driver Dynamics have a few spots left for a Defensive Driver Training course next Sunday the 28th of September. This day will be the last chance for everyone to take advantage of our September special of $150, or in the event that we get 10 people there, we will discount it further to $125. Email me at [email protected] or check out our website www.driverdynamics.com for more details Once again thanks for coming out to the Skid Pan today Cheers
  3. Yeah, Rianto has been quick enough to book in a session on September 21st. From what I understand that day is full. But we are open to any other sessions
  4. Jamie, No problems, just email me at [email protected] Let me know which ones. EVERYONE ELSE. I am glad the Skyline Population love the skid pan. I hope you all eventually come to one of the session. Remember if your interested, just get a group of 6 together and we can book it in. Regards
  5. Guys & Girls, Thanks to all those who attended the skid pan sessions over the past 2 days. They were a big success, and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Many of you would have notice I took a large amount of photos over the two days. In fact it was over 500 photos. I have set-up a gallery for all the best pics at: http://www.rwdturbo.com/incoming.html?loca...bo/gallery.html The images are re-sized to 800 x 600. But if you want to get your hands on the originals, which are 6 Mega Pixels. You can email me at [email protected]. I usually sell pics at club days for $5.00 each. But as I know many of those who attended will want mutliple images, I let you have 3 for $10.00. These pics will print at photo quality at about 60 inches by 40 inches (Poster Size) Also I hear that many other people are now keen to organise some more days. So get your groups of 6 people together and let me know when you are keen to return to the skid pan. Regards
  6. There should be one or two spots left. I think Kev said there is one on Saturday Arvo. Al, Did you see your pic on www.driverdyanmics.com Your front page material, and on the Skid Pan page. Nice Work Al & Kev
  7. Looks like we have a big packet of condoms, but not many people actually having sex
  8. My God I have never seen such a poor bunch of excuses. I am in for sure. KevWRX check your mail. How often do you have these. I came along a few months ago and have been keen to return. Guys KEVWRX does know how to drive, From what I gather he is one of Australia leading precision drivers. Is this right Kev?
  9. Okay guys, I have been converted. I am selling my s14 (200sx) and coming around to the straight six club. But I am unsure on the variations within the r33 range, ie GTS-t, GTS25-t, etc. I have my heart set on the series two, but I am unsure of all the differences between a Series 1 and a Series 2. If anyone knows a website or has the knowledge in listing ALL the differences between the two series, let me know. See you all on the streets RWD Turbo
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