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Everything posted by ashneel

  1. JT Panels
  2. mmm had half a duck last night at rock kung. mmm sooo tasty
  3. ye exactly what i thought. oh well will wait tillt he end of the day. if nothing the off to the ombudsman. man at my work (water company) customer wave the ombudsman flag like theres no tomorrow and always get out of paying and i hated them for it lol and now im using it hahahahaha
  4. omfg that has to be the cleanest R32 GTR i have ever seen
  5. nope. all they can see is how much and the charge. which is f**kign stupid but then again will be hard to record every download and page you went to. might be a privacy thing maybe??? but ye no way in hell im paying more then what i used. just went through my bill and it comes to $102 with GST if you exclude the data crap funny thing is instead of resolving the issue they tried to up sell me to a higher plan and they kept doing it. so i stopped and listened and when they were done asked them if it will help me with my current bill? answer is NO. then why try and upgrade me? so it dosnt happen again. but it wotn happen again cause your f**kers f**ked up. oh rite lol
  6. got my mobile bill today and its a tasty $1,044.45 minimal call usage but over 150mb of data downladed on 31/12/09 (only time i do date connection is when i use google maps or log on to westpac to transfer cash which over the past 13 months i have done so have kepts my bills below $100) so called em up spoke to some guy i couldnt understand so called again told them its bs guy said cant do anything about it cause its recorded. back and forth yelling for 30mins and not budging. mentioned ombudsman and suddenly he offered me 50% off my bill hahahaha. still told him not paying $500 for my mobile bill for somethign i have not used then some more back and forth yelling and ask for his supervisor. supervisor comes on he greats me and i say "just wanted to let you know im going to the ombudsman to solve this f**ked up shit". he went quite and said will call back by close of business with better news. so atm I=WIN
  7. no worries man PM sent
  8. lol awesome thread is aweosme sucks about the defect niroj. what you get done for?
  9. yeap splashguard in the wheel arch
  10. he means polish it using a machine i did the lights on my R34. only did a half assed job cause i was just seeing how it comes out and it came out good. got myself some mild rubbing compount and gave the geadlights a good rub. the grains int he cutting compount cut away 90% of the yellow tinge but after a quick wipe it left the headlight dull. then got some paint polish and rubbed it on the headlight. using a buffer (machine) i buffed the headligth then put a coat or carnuba (sp) wax on it. and its come out awesome. all up each headlight took me 20mins depending on where your located i can come and do yours for you.
  11. lol mates from work were talking about going tonight but being still holidays, means a fair bit of cars out which also means the boys may be out in force around the beach area also but after last night they aint going tonight. guys from work went to edithvale last night. 5 cars went 3 came back defected. all stock performance wsie but they have handling mods. S15 got done for too low (was only 1 mm under the 100mm law), WRX got done for no splash guard (which is a silly defect) and the other got done for bald tires which was fair defect and he took it so ye keep your heads up and rember if you get stuck in a rip swim parallel to the beach LOL
  12. mutherf*k
  13. bwhahahahahahaha epic thread mine
  14. yo TJ for the duck fans should go here http://www.quanjude.com.au/home.html lol damnt hats pricey
  15. mmm me hugry now, i want duck now
  16. if you wanna keep the stock plenum then you can get a set of metal spacers that can work as a metal gasket and that should give you enough clearance. but with the stock plenum and cross pipe you wont tell the differance of the two covers
  17. if your planning on running the normal RB25 plenum and TB then it wont fit. the RB25 rocker covers thave a dip to accomodate the TB. andif your a RB26rocker cover on then you wont be able to bolt your TB on the RB26 rocker cover will work well if your have a forward facing plenum like the GTRs
  18. PWOOOOOAH thats phat
  19. pew pew pew
  20. cant find pics of a GTT with top secret bar. espically a white one. can someone help please? just need pics of the bar fitted on a GTT. guess it wont make much differance with a GTR but GTT would be super awesome ta Ash
  22. dude if you can wait go for a 34. was in the same boat as you but 34 came out on top. better interior and new technology and its a newer car and looks 1 billion times better then the 33. so yes your crazy. unless you love the 33s and cant wait to get a GTR and find a mint one
  23. i have a pretty thick ring spanner. wanna give that a go???
  24. OMFG finally finished the car and after 3 weeks its running again yay things done: painted intake plenum and rocker cover/coilpack cover from gay gold to crinkle black (managed to scratch 2 bits when putting it in but cant see it so YAY) changed regular FMIC with hole cut under battery tray to return flow cooler. will be covering hole under battery tray while most of the top was out and things along the side of the motor, went nuts with degreaser and now she has a oil and dirt free motor one thing im happy with is that there is not a single bolt left over WOOT next time think ill just pay someone to do it for me though lol
  25. ah damn damn damn always miss this. can i sms you as the next helper if needed another time???
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