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Everything posted by NIZR34GTT

  1. He is running plenty I tell you.He is running it in at the moment and it is really fueled up.
  2. I had 10's on the rear and 9's on the front of my R34 can send photo if you want
  3. I have the Mazda SP23 and went to Super Cheap they said you can get them ,but they had to be especialy made,but Whoa, cost was some stupid price.Cannot remember exactly but something like $300 I got the ones that go over the seat not the sides .$30 each.
  4. Just get a cake of soap and with the motor running hold the soap against the side of the belt. Try to do both sides of the belt. Watch fingers don't get in the way of fan,as that hurts. Stops squeaking belts in a flash
  5. Go to Super Cheap buy one take it home use it ,put it back in original packaging take it back to Super Cheap tell them it is the wrong one, get refund ,to easy.
  6. I am going totally huts just reading this
  7. He was a moron because ????? he was driving on the freeway ??? or he is responsible for your oil light coming on. ???? please tick the correct answer.
  8. . I would suggest if you cannot spell Rocker Cover,leave it to the professionals.You don't have to drain the oil .It is a matter of taking the bolts or screws out and remove the old gasket and put new one in.Caution do not over tighten the screws or bolts otherwise you will squeeze the gasket and it will leak
  9. You can post even if you have a wheelbarrow
  10. Sounds like it is more than just adjusting.I would tajke it to a wheel alignment place to have it checked.More than like ly something has been bent if it the tryre is pointing inwards.
  11. And you blokes wonder why you get defects, then you whige about the cops defecting you
  12. Don't you kiddies have any thing else to do ??? people buy cars with their hard earned cash, they can do what ever they like to them. Get over it kiddies. Next thing, you will be whinging about, will be the colour people prefer to paint ther cars. More important things in life to bitch about than what people do with their cars.
  13. Would appear you are the worlds best driver.I think I have seen you on Funiest Home Videos. Just remember,one thing is for certain ,you will be old, one day,or maybe not
  14. Who gave you that god damm right buster to win ? not me thats for sure
  15. Auto Cheap or Repco
  16. If you want to become a millionaire so you can get your dream car , buy some diferent coloured balaclava's
  17. Merry Xmas and happy new year to all. Oh, and by the way, if you are coming around to my place to drop of presents, just leave them near the front door if I am not home.
  18. It is normal for disk brakes to make some noise when you spin the wheel. The pads rest very lightly on the rotor.
  19. You, might be the Knobhead,selling your car to some poor unsuspecting person knowing quite well it wasn't roadworthy. Just my opinion though.
  20. I think there is a place down near the big gun at Slacks Creek called Diane's or something like that.
  21. I think there is a place down near the big gun at breakfast creek called Diane's or something like that.
  22. Are you the guy that needs clearance from Brisbane Airport before you take of and land .? Just rumours I have heard lol.
  23. Just don't put your handkerchief in the wrong pocket.
  24. I think they may have put that there to stop people bidding on it.It looks like it was sold before the auction ended.With ebay you cannot remove the item, so a lot of people put an idiotic price on it to over come this.
  25. Is it still under warranty and if so for how long.? $320 to Brisbane.
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