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Everything posted by NIZR34GTT

  1. Hi does anyone know of someone who is qualified to do a professional valuation on my Nissan R34GTt.I will require it to be done so it can be presented to the family law court in affidavit form. I am prepared to pay a reasonable fee,the valuer must be qualified to do so and specialise in imports. I am located in Brisbane . Thanks in advance
  2. Hear ,hear Muz I believe us old farts rule .How does 56 years old sound and I am being called a hoon just love it .Should have been introduced to the mighty Nissan long before this. Just got to stop these young blokes from calling us road hazards lol.
  3. On a lighter note I think I would have taken the money not the box. I rode a lot of bikes in my day and I allways left it in gear when stationary, if I heard a screech of brakes behind me I could if the situation was right make a quick getaway so I wasn't crunched from behind.
  4. NIZR34GTT

    The Qld Club

    If there ain't no face painting I am taking my ball and going home.
  5. I would be tempted to paint the number plate flat black.
  6. $70 Including postage, Bargain.
  7. Looks like Chris has had a melt down,will have to rename him Chucky.
  8. zoix do you work or live up towards Ipswich way ?
  9. Hi Mick ,there is a hell of a big difference between 305 kph and 328 kmh I am not doubting over 300 but 328 mmmmmmmm I wonder. Hands up anyone who can get over 300 kph out of there skyline,someone may just get a world record here lol.
  10. Are you looking at the speedo of a F1 11 if not get your hand of it .lol
  11. Hi Slip if you ring the local council in Pittsworth and speak to someone in regards to the track,or they may be able to put you on to someone who can tell you a bit about it. I actually went up there for a drive yesterday but was not to sure what constituted the track,but the road we thought might be track wasn't to bad. I have been told they are timed events so you are actually racing against the clock. The number is 0746932455
  12. Not sure what the track is like they cordon of sections of the local streets,as far as I know it is ok but nothing like you would expect at Willow bank lol.
  13. Hi the names Rod,For those who are interested the Pittsworth Sprints are on in September 6th and 7th. I am unsure of the how one goes about entering the competition but I do believe it is open to everyone. Addmission to the track is $5 and all the proceeds go to the local hospital,so it is going to a good cause. For those who don't know where Pittsworth is it is approximately 40km South West of Toowoomba. The town has plenty of pubs and motels as well as a caravan park so accomodation should be plentifull ,I would suggest you pre book accomodation just to be on the safe side. I have never been to the event myself but from what I have heard it is a real buzz. Maybe we could get a few interested in going and make it a cruise to Pittsworth and a cruise back. Your thoughts on the idea. _________________ Keep the black stuff on the road. Back to top
  14. CYA34's car is never of the road it does more k's then the Leyland Brothers,he even has his lunch in it . Nice pics of your car pitty the red one wasn't there,I could have stole the show lol. Ok mate catch you through the week.
  15. So where did you end up once we left,did you go around to the light house ? How could he have raced mum still had the commodore down at the shops.
  16. I will see you down at your place about 9.am CYA34.have the billy on.
  17. I usually see shit loads of things everynight after a few bottles.
  18. I will just do what I am told to do by CYA34 so what ever you guys decide on I will have half.
  19. Looks to me that he is whimping out,he knows and I know that red R34's are much quicker then silver ones. Only $10 I think you should go for more Parag0n lol.
  20. Just thought i would reply to CYA34 i do think my R34 would kick your butt? Hey mate nice car but don't you think red is nicer. NIZ34
  21. Double sided tape is the go ,and if you want to take it of for any reason just use a hair dryer and presto its of no problems no damage.
  22. Names Rod I am an old fart drive a red R34 GTT, I don't drive like an old fart though tickets to prove it.
  23. Why don't you try to get some independent trusting person to hold the money untill the guy gets the wheels ,after he gets the wheels the independent guy forwards the dosh on to the seller.All fixed everyone happy Sugestion: Local Justice of the peace
  24. Hi ,here are some of the paint codes for the R34 1:Cayman J1V2, 2:Quartz JKV2, 3: Obsidian Jgv1, 4:White Diamond JQT1 5:Pewter Jwv2. Hope this helps these colour codes are straight out of the Nissan sales brocher.
  25. Sorry guys the cooler has been sold, I forgot to update the sold page.
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