Ive had that before. come out in the morning to find an egg smashed on the bonnet and windscreen. left a circle of chip marks on the bonnet. another time egged again on the roof, no bad scratches that time.
another time sitting in my old vl waiting for the girlfriend to get the paper, old lady reverses into me while trying to exit her park next to me. i jumped out and she was like i didnt know you were there. dumb mole.
ive also had multiple dents put into my 33 from the work carpark, which i can see the car all day, from peoples doors. had them fixed.
ive also had 2 seperate incidents where peolpe have hit the back of my car while parking next to me.
shits me no end. absolutely no respect for other peoples stuff!! no one leaves notes anymore, just drive off like it never happened. KARMA WILL strike back at them 2fold!!!
i now park in 2 spaces where ever i go and always away from the main cars too.