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Everything posted by Travis32

  1. no worries mate i just wanna see them b4 i commit to nething
  2. gday mate where bouts u located?n if u could throw a couple of pics would be great.Also how soon u lookin at gettin rid of them cos i could get them after christmas if thats cool with
  3. just lookin for some type m rear pods for r32 gtst or gtr.Or if any one knows where to get these new any info would be gratly appreciated
  4. Gday champ.My gtr has apexi intakes and n exhaust from standard dump pipes back.I was told about the restrictor but cant find it.I have stock turbos are u sure removing the restrictor will let it run 13 psi,cos i dont wanna blow my turbos up ay.Im poor n wanna make my car faster without damaging anything.Could u post pics or pm some pics to me of where this restrictor is.One more thing,who is ur tuner?
  5. is ur supra white i see a white supra go past all the time.Habing a Twin turbo supra for a daily must mean u have a good job.Im only a shit kicker mechanic
  6. are you the chick the scoots past in a white 33 gtst.I would say more of a wanna be 31 its a nugget pintara thats just like a daily.Heap of crap but a good car
  7. Thanks mate.Do u drive ur skyline past everyday or do u have a daily that u use for work.Do u think my car is worthy of sau autosalon thing
  8. yeh mate i do unfortunately.U know the car do ya
  9. so what do u reckon ppl is my car worthy to represent the club at auto salon
  10. hey christian you reckon mine would be good enough to put in with urs man?
  11. Gday mate.Im actually enquiring for a friend.His got n '04 XR6 turbo manual with 20s bov a few guages n tv dvd etc n his looking for n evo 8.His XR has only got 61 000kms on it n im wondering if u'd be interstested in swapping with the cash.Im gonna let him know bout your car so if your interested give me a pm or spmething n ill let ya know
  12. Hey champ nice gtst.Dish looks fat man.Who owns the gtr thats a hot car man ay
  13. I understand mate.If you got offended by me calling ppl mate n sweetheart etc.I guess we aint gonna get along.Thats me.I did join the forum to meet new ppl and potentially make friends n stuff n like i said,im sorry just hope we can be friends n get over it.
  14. Hey, Look to everybody ive pissed off.Im sorry,i admit that ive been a dickhead.I just get my back up abit when ppl put shit on me.I didnt mean to cause any shit.I understand if yas decide to hate me.No worries if yas do.Yeh once again im sorry just hope you ppl are as nice as everyone says n we can move on.Like i said i didnt mean to cause any shit just must have been the way it come across.
  15. not at all mate.See the thing is i can drive down the rd in my gtr n not worry bout havin n engineers certificate.But with my other cars that arent a standerd off the shelf car uve kinda got something to be scared of.Seniority i dont think so sweetheart
  16. hey mate,how much u want for cooler piping
  17. Hey ive got a question.I was just wondering who the girl that was walkin around sellin raffle tickets to everyone.I think she had jeans on a hat n glasses.She was also the one that was tellin ppl no burnouts as we left
  18. No offense but when ur old man is a copper you tend to know abit bout how they work.I have a gtr that is near stock.I could tell they were lookin for something to do me for.Seriously,who cars if a car is lower than the norm theres no reason to harrass someone for it.When uve had as many highly modified car as i have mate thats when u can dribble your dribble
  19. I wasnt in town the night of the rediculous invasion of privacy but i was in there the satday night.I drove past the cops,there were bout 4-5 cars in a row.As i drove past they were all lookin at me like i was the scum of the earth n yet i was in a nicer car than the stupid morons that were glaring at me.They they split up blocked off pit lane n set up a rbt and did the same on the other side. We did a lap cruised past them again n parked.I dunno what there go is but its either hey we got no real crims up here so we'll pick on the on revinue this state has.I think if any cop came up to me n asked to search my car i'd ask them what reason do they have to search.Tell them that its invasion of privacy n if they dont leave me alon i'd have them for harasment. Seriously if cop try to intimidate you its f**kin harrasment.Obviously is against the law.I agree with a persons previous comment that if ur acting like a f**k wit in front of a coppa u deserve to be done. I just wish cops would get off there high horse n come back to reality.PEOPLE HAVE NICE CARS GET USED TO IT,AND f**kIN LEAVE US ALONE!
  20. Gday im after some R32 m-spec side skirts n rear pods for my gtr if any1 has any for sale plz let me know.May consider swapping gtr side skirts.Cheers
  21. thanks mate i appreciate it
  22. Hi im after R32 front indicators in clear.I dont know where to get them so yeh any help would be appreciated.Thanks
  23. Thanks mate are you located round the shire?
  24. Have alook at gforce body kits mates.Huge variety n cheap.Also in sydney n you would be able to paint n fit urself
  25. Im just wondering what these rear pods are off n if they will fit my gtr.Also the side skirts?This car is awesome
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