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Everything posted by Travis32

  1. Hey every one a few progress pics on the new boot install for the gtr If ppl want to put me down in this thread like ya's did in the other one forget it but im very open to constructive critisism lol dunno how to spell that word lol
  2. cool thanks man be good to c i think
  3. it looks abit dodgy yes i know but its not my problem anymore lol also the previous setup sounds unreall gains not even turned up n the volume on like 15 a lady from 2 doors down said shit was fallen off her shelves in her laundry so thats gotta be good right? the new install will be awesome as alot of research n planning has been down ill keep ya posted tho
  4. hey everyone thanks for your comments n positive feed back since the last pics i have modified the box for a mate n fitted 2 reverse mount 12s n a different port for it pics will be shown below sounds good even for a home job lol Ive literally just started making a new customs enclosure for my boot so it will be made from curvey fibreglass n mdf with a nice sealed/vented fuel system setup under parcel tray but i will put up progress pics as i go also up the front i have a set of 6.5inch pioneer splits in back parcel tray pioneer 6" coaxils n a top end 7inch dvd player fold out head unit but thanks again everyone i really appreciate ur support P.S the following pics arent finished n my mate will have the job of sealing it up etc
  5. hey mate can ya put some pics up of the boot
  6. so in love with that car man
  7. ok man yeah i think im gonna paint it like the r34 black lol see how that goes thanks ay
  8. Thanks ay man.Nah Gonna have it as a separate piece.I was thinkin bout makin a mould then like sell them if ppl were interested but may not be for a while cos of cash but i can garentee that i would benefit from it cos my car sits on the deck lol.Im yet to get some carbon under canards too to finish the look off but cant find anywhere that do them for a reasonable price
  9. yeah i thik so too ay
  10. yeah i cant wait ay gonna paint the lip blue was thinkin bout paint the diffuser black like the original r34 one wat do u think
  11. hey everyone been wanting to do this for ever now.Ive had a r34 nismo front diffuser sitting round for like a yr now.So i decided to cut it down n make it fit my r32 gtr lol so its not fully finished yet but heres some progress pics anyway
  12. cop was meant to be cop
  13. Thanks mate.Yeah i know ay.Mine looks like a drift cop atm some ppl think its a gtst with out the wing but meh i dont care.I got more racey lookin parts to come yet heaps of carbon too cant wait lol
  14. i wanna c more shots of this.its hot
  15. thanks everyone for ya good comments etc.Got a quote for the trim today black carpet creamy white high high grade vinyle side box n parcel tray $400 so im gonna pull it all out again make some adjustments n router a few things n get it ready for trim.will post pics up once done
  16. one funny thing i lived in sydney for bout 4.5yrs had my skyline n other rediculously low loud modified cars didnt get pulled over once for mods just for a p plate that had fallen off lol that was yrs ago.I move back to the central coast n i get pulled over 9 times in 3 months.So wats the reason for this? If ppl have modified cars not being morons etc leave us alone.If we doin stupid shit than come down on us til then go n do real police work instead of worrying bout revenue.I was driving on a sunday arvo down the f3 doin bout 105kph minding my own business drove past a highway patrol same speed a mate was like 1km behind me an the cop car went past him like he was standing still just so the cop could catch me pull me over put shit on my car defect me tell me that the inside of my tyres are worn cos my tyres drag round corners lol whilst tellin me his a mechanic (wouldnt have anything to do with 5degrees or neg camber) all im sayin is f**k off n leave us alone ay seriously gettin over it
  17. took a few more of my baby
  18. hot man gtr's look fat dumped lol
  19. hey mate thanks ay it has come along way at the moment its untuned atm moment etc but once tuned headed for between 380-400awkws.So just savin for that tune now lol
  20. With all do respect.Where do u get ur money from its taken me 3 yrs of hard work n doin it all myself n mine will only have round 400kws at the when its tuned i respect u boys but im strugglin to get mine to 400kws.
  21. thanks mate i really appreciate ur post ay i got all the wood for free so thats the main reason ive done it that way i have but yeah that other guy should be spoken to by the moderators
  22. hey mate thanks ay its cost me nothing not finished yet i had all the amps wiring n sub etc so yeah got the wood for free etc so thought id have a go
  23. Thanks mate um just gonna finish the boot carpet it n retune the stereo.Got heaps more plan for the car it self tho
  24. Hey everyone check this tool out. -Will sound bad -Looks bad (currently) -Makes bad handling -Makes the car Slower Well im sorry to bust ur ego f**k wit.But It sounds insane,its not finished yet the car will out handle ur pos 200sx n blow the doors off ur pos 200sx so b4 u go runnin ur mouth i suggest you do ya home work.N u r a f**k wit.The main reason i put the pics up is cos in the past ive read ppl were after pics of boot installs in r32s you tool. As for the parcel tray n the whole install its not anywhere near finished yet so go run ur mouth else where.N if ur so educated on the topic why would u open ur mouth n say it sounds shit.Mate its Sound quality is awesome n the bass is insane.Amprs arent even on half n it shakes my mates house more than 100m away.So once finished trimmed n fully tuned it will be better than u n anything u could do so y dont you put something up that was ur first attempt (like this is my first) and lets all see how good you are mate cos personally i think ur just some try hard on a skyline forum with out a skyline dribblin shit to make urself feel good mate.N as for the 15 yr old hot chick chat room shit grow a f**kin brain mate.Maybe ur the pedifile pickin little girls up so dont start with that shit either At the end of the day i was just post my pics up as stated above to show r32 owners that ya can fit a boot install in the cars so Cya later mate n keep ur loser remarks to urself
  25. thanks champ n in the title i will put the waste of gay weighted install in my gtr lol
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