[quote name=
PS as an aside' date=' I've heard of cases in NSW where the police have fined (and had decision upheld in court) a driver because he 'looked' like he was speeding. Apparently once an officer has served an (unknown) amount of time in the service, they can visually assess the speed of a car (cases I've heard have only been suburban 50/60kmh incidents). I couldn't believe it when I heard it. I hope its an urban myth.[/quote]
Unfortunately this is true. I am contesting one of these at court in Janurary. I think if you believe that you were wrongly convicted then do write a letter to the Infringement Processing Bureau 1st. Also do this if you need to buy some time (after you have recieved the reminder notice).
NSW currently has legislation that if you write off to the IPB and do not get a response back within 6 months then the fine is null and void. I have got off 2 fines this way. I believe that all other states have a 12 month reply period.