easy... just pull you cluster out and pull the light bulb out (attached to wire) and put some 100mph tape over it... dont put it back in the hole... just have it hangin out the back of the wire harness put cluster back in and thats it... you wont see it because the tape will stop illumination and it wont even be in the whole
i went and bought some 0.8mm gasket paper and gasket maker goo from repco, cut out shape for gasket put some goo on it bolted it up, left it for an hour... done!
cheers guys
oh ok makes alot of sence when you put it that way... i adjusted the neck piece and ended up loosing it to much and the end came off!, but was easy to put back on...
i dont know if its me but it sounds like a sneeze from a 3 year old rather than a tuff whoosh... but i suppose it sounds different in the cabin...would be nice to eliminate flutter though
took it for a drive and it flutters but when given a little bit it does both???
if i give it a good rev it goes off the way it should...
would it need adjusting???
and how? (as i dont have a manual)
hey guys i ended up putting my new bov on and set it up the same way that the pictures show (R33silverS2) and still has the flutter sound....
anyone know whats going?
could it be i should block off what looks like a bleed valve on my turbo (brass fitting on turbo, with hose comming of it leading to nowhere)...
would you consider a swap for a 2000 lancer coupe, hot pink pearl, custom interior, 18" wheels, full kit, bonnet and wing, sunroof, exhaust, sound system ect. ect. ect...?
i will probably ring repco and see if it is possible for them to supply the correct gasket for a turbosmart bov... cant imagine they would be to expensive...
its got an apexi bov at the moment on the crossover, but by the looks of things the last owner of my car used a different adaptor and drilled holes in it to make it fit... would it be possible to use a thin piece of aluminium (coke can ect.) and make a new gasket?
just got a turbosmart supersonic bov (secondhand), it has adaptor for fitting directly onto crossover... do i need a gasket for it (between adaptor plate and crossover)? or should it just bolt straight on?
yeah i bought one of ebay... havent yet installed it but they are very similar to the c's ones ect. so i cant see them being real crappy, iv heard of the proper c's shifters snapping in certain places too. but then again some might tell you the ebay shifters are complete rubbish... i would like to know myself before i install mine actually...
sorry havent found any pictures as yet but if i find one i will post it... it hasnt been completely cut off,it has a section cut out of the front of the reo bar just big enough for the spoiler...