first tried karate but didn't like it,did judo when i was kid for a couple years got really good, but stopped because i got board, coach begged my mum for me to come back, i kick myself for stopping i got to the point where i could drop someone without thinking even when they tried running at me or a couple at the time, not bad for kid in year 5, after that i wanted to get into something more contact like boxing, parents wouldn't let me come 17 tried Wing Chun for a while liked it but gave up, started Muay Thai loved it had an awesome trainer but training closed down as rent went to high to make it affordable to run, it was a shame cause it was one of the most fun training i ever had. and now i'v been looking for some decent MA to go to but pickings are slim in Canberra. wouldn't mind trying some jkd or just find some good trainers.