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    1995 skyline gtst rb25det
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  1. paulr33 perfect jop its really great thing i read it all and i learned many many things espicealy about knocking finally your effort lighted up our way in dealing with power fc
  2. its noticable loss of power that somthing hold your car moments and my mods are 3 exhust pod filter intercooler gtr fuel pump thats all now
  3. yes brother its in center and with timing gun i got like 12 - 13 degres all my mods now 3 inch exhust and pod filter with greddy intercooler front mont and gtr fuel pump also i changed the plugs yestarday we changed the three wires all long from MAF to ecu and the car runs good but still i have loosing power in 3rd 4rth gear by the way i am going to buy power fc ecu do you agrre with me ? that it will help me too much and thanks all for help
  4. no man when we changed the cas we adjust the timing by timing light even i changed ecu with good one also i changed the coils all do same problem but when we retaind factory intake manifold problem hapen in 5.5 to 6k but really how could boost come up like antilage in nutral i belive its ignition but where i don`t know
  5. hahaha man what are you thinking of ok MENS is it fine
  6. dear am using stock turbo with stock wastegate but before i changed it i hade rb20det w/g to gaine 10 psi this thing start when i put new greedy front intercooler
  7. Hi dears i did all this staff till now and about diagnostics i dont have tool i changed maf 4 times all same result i changed cas 3 times all same result i tryed it without intercooler like direct its littel bit ok but small stuk from 5.5k to 6.5k rpm and today we will try another turbocharger because some garage said if its littil crap will do same problem so guys if some one have same this damin problem give us some help finally i am thinking that could be ignetion coils !!!!!
  8. its also hisitating when driving
  9. Hi all friends i have bad problem naw my rb25det build boost in nutral gear with stoped car i heard that RICH & RETARD so i changed AIRflow METER 4 times and the mechanic changed the cas 3 times but still same thing can you help me pleas my car stoped i can`t drive it
  10. thank you too much brother
  11. dear 700hp-gtr33 thank you so much for what you sayd and really i think thats the damage came frome his carles espiceally on oil change but the bworest thing that he was using after market ecu and rev high with standard motor and oil pumps i really thank you cause i am going to get one rb26dett engine i love it too much but the people here make me worry but am verry carre man i take car of any thing in my cars
  12. Hi all you guys why rb26dett damage crankshaft ? when it powers littel like big single and more fuel? i have too many people says that it breaks its crankshaft so that its not durable for daily use one of my friends changed the engine 3 times and naw he swaps to 2jz-gte because it handel 700hp with stock internals
  13. great job man i really thank you so much and i will do it when i recive my new injectores
  14. also he said i have to cut pin # 113 wire on loom ( VTC) and attach it to clean surface and i did it
  15. Hi dears i got a rb20det ecu and i chip it to run on my rb25det engine as the saller said it will eliminat boost cut and fuel also and will rise rpm to 8500 and so many naw after instalation i started the engine and its idling bad with chek engine light flashes as the exhust have lots of black smoke ( rich) and i cant rais more than 2500 rpm so does the chip not working or theres base maps for saftey to run rich?
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