thats the qusetion, do u take a job because u enjoy it or for the experiences it allows u to have outside work, I did 2 yrs on euro cars and 6months at nissan, then a performance shop, which was right time right place, ill tell u know, dealerships are shit boring and if ur an apprentice ur definately a shitkicker lucky to be doing an oil change, maybe a boring tedius major service. My advice, if u want to grow in business for long period, go dealership, but if ur after serious skills stay away from dealerships. u learn 1 brand. I learnt far more at independent co working on all makes and at the performance shop, than I could of at a dealership in twice the time. Its all relative, where u want to go, what knowledge u want, and yes theres not much money in the technician side of the trade, unless ur in heavy diesel, sparkies, plumber earn heaps more, my mate is a refrigeration service tech, earns top dollars and has it very easy