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Everything posted by Dantay

  1. sure your not just being presumptuous, cats actually have a pretty good center for navigating back home. when they are of a decent age anyway
  2. i think you will have a hard time getting people to return the goods if they have paid money for them dude. good luck though, good to see the scum pricks got caught
  3. My Brother has a WR 450 up in Cairns, every time i went riding with them all i could think of was how cool this track would be in a go-kart/buggy.
  4. what did you study dude?
  5. thanks guys this has been really helpful!
  6. Col if this is in a bad spot feel free to move it
  7. Hey people When i was living in Cairns last couple of months my attention was captured by a 2.5L Triumph Rocket. I have been looking at crusier bikes ever since with nothing more then athestic interest. however, about a year from now I will be coming into a decent amount of cash and I have decided i want to spend a part of that sum on myself. Originaly i thought fark yeah GTR/Surpa here i come but now these bikes have my eye. but to be honest i have not riden much else beside trail bikes (180 & 450) and never on the road. I know sports bikes are very unforgiving of mistakes beit yours or someone elses. Can anyone tell me what these bikes are really like? have i just fantasied this really cool slick ride in my head? how bad is the upkeep say relative to a GTR? are they safer then sports backs? the plan would be to keep my 32, so have a car and a bike at the same time. thanks for any input
  8. haha maybe my 32 is just special then
  9. yeah it will be hard, i think Skylines have a lot of individual personality that other cars i have driven don't have.
  10. Dantay

    Speed Traps

    i hope you lose your license sooner rather then later in that case. your an idiot.
  11. Dantay

    Speed Traps

    surly you regret saying the reason you own a GTR is to speed, please tell me you regret saying that... that old hair dries ain't that great its hard to get an accurate speed at any distance
  12. haha your all forgeting something very important, you don't pay 150K for a car because its cheap to run yeah? you spend that much because it makes your penis bigger and because cars that pull big torque and HP give me wet dreams and chicks love you short time for a ride. sorry about all the dick references...
  13. Dantay


    two kinds of people in this world mate
  14. Dantay


    this drug runner dude flogs a real nice then latest model Jag, meets this really hot chick and she pretty much goes nuts for the jag. he claims to have shagged her nine times in a night.
  15. Dantay

    Speed Traps

    yeah i have seen that one on me way to uni, also a nice r33 across the road from the guy that must import cars on that hill just after Maryland st, he has two Supra's parked out the front at the moment. the van was parked at the top of a hill, just before a round-a-bout opposite the power substation, sorry don't no the street name.
  16. are you for real? my ex's old man has a real sexy one that he rarely drives and the bloke who lives accross the road from me is always working on and reving his. NB: the chick on the new instant scratchet adds is farking HOT!
  17. Dantay


    hey does that really work dude? like remove the ego from it, could you pull a "Underbelly" front seat of a Jag moment?
  18. Dantay


    yeah was thinking of going, but i have heard people say its abit shit. is it even a cheap laugh?
  19. Dantay

    Speed Traps

    those new vans are not as distinctive as the old dirty cruisers are, only seen one so far on Appleby rd. You said you got stung going down a hill? I remember reading something a while ago that said coppers are not allowed to sight mobile speed traps on declines it might be worth looking into, however you are an idiot for 'needing a moment of boost'.
  20. you know they used to do all that kind of stuff, and it didn't stop people stealing things. come to think of it they still do that sort of crap today and those countries don't have much better crime rates.
  21. hahaha i love that you think of the car first haha got your priorites all right
  22. its going to cost him more then just three years of his life, a mate of mine used to be a screw he said jail was just an inconvenience for most crims but every now and then one learns a lesson. all in all i have no time for thieving pricks so i hope jail is a horrible experience for the dude. Good news about the new GTR though, lets hope its stays yours for longer then the last one.
  23. thats sucks dude. hope all goes well with just car!
  24. how much fuel did it have in the tank? cause they may have just flogged it till the juice stopped flowing. however, if they took an hour to beat the alarm they may have more respect for it then just flog it
  25. but tonga is shit
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