Hey guys,
I searched the fourms and found nothing on this. (but if there is somthing, don't hate me)
I've got an r33 sreies two and a put the GFB Stealth FX bov on it.
Too my dissapointment when it is as loud as it can go the car stalls cause the piston doesn't shut fast enough. So I turned it to as quiet as it could go and the problem is fixed, but what is the point of having it if it is as loud as my stock one was.
The adjustment works like a ratchet and I adjust it one click away from quietest and it still almost stalls. F**king Shit!!!
Even when I tighten the spring tension, it is a bit better but I get conperssion surge, which I heard is bad, and my car runs like a dogg.
So my question is, Has anyone delt with this and what did u do?
Does anyone have any ideas how to fix it?
Is compression surge bad? (sorry, there is no direct answer on the forums)
thanks guys
Peace out