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Everything posted by MRGTR911

  1. na na ive already passed the emissions test doesnt matter... I will have to do a noise test again because i am going cambeltown but i will pass beacuse ive put a stock box on now rather then the aluminium one which means less noise corect ?? well i hope so ??? Thats the dillemma i have the guy at granville only have to pass my filter box but the guy is a big d** head so im gona go striaght to cambeltown hopefully i get treated better there...
  2. Thanx lee man to be honest i dont really want to sell it but i barely drive it as i have purchased a r34 GTR I drive that more then the R32.. I havent advertised it anywere else only on here i will advertise it elsewere in the New year if it is not sold yet ... I honestly think i have listed a Fair price I mean its a late model V spec with the works , absolute machine on the road .... id be sad to see it go...
  3. + 1 Powertune Mechanical, Tuning I Also use Tony Rigoli ....
  4. Hey mate sorry you made a good offer but i cant do much with a r33 .... As i said i will trade For Walkinshaw Or a M3 Or anything else of interest , May also trade for a r34 GTR I Have bought one but my little brother is looking for one too so yea....
  5. T187 I told him i would cut out the top part and put a snorkel unacceptable this guy is a big time dickhead.. im getting sick of this ..... I might go to cambeltown anyone know anything about this guy any good ???
  6. i heard about a guy today who was getting done by the EPA At brighton he got fined $15,000 Man id be killing myself right about now.... I ended up fitting a standard airbox it wasnt a GTR One but was one were my chrome pipinmg can get into.... went to the guy again at Granville He wouldnt pass it Because there wasnt Air flowing from the top of it through the filter into the turbos... This guy Man i swear is doing my head in..I cant wait until this is all over....
  7. Ahaha.. Im having problems fitting my standard box back on as i have aftermarket piping which gets in the way totally , I May have to use a different Make of box mabye a holden or ford one will fit as long as its plastic , Do you guys think they will tell the difference????.. This has been a funny 3 weeks ..... Good experience.... Does anyone have any ideas about fitting my standard box ?? if you want to see pics of my engine bay its on the for sale section .. mabye you can get a better look there... Thanx for all the help...
  8. You could of bought one finished with rego in decent condition for about 20k .. With all the stuff you were missing ? any reason why you didnt do that .... ?
  9. 12K Skyline GTR in good condition are you serious ??? Impossbile ?
  10. Hey hey turboX Dont be so harsh on him hes obviously not as smart as you when it comes to things like this.. we should be helping him not bagging him ..... good luck Jason if you need anyhelp Pm me ... I know people who have gone through this sh**
  11. Bay st Brighton the worst place ever ... Can anyone here post up were EPA Stations are so we can all know were not to go .... ???
  12. Man the epa guy on the phone almost felt sorry for me ahaha why did he defect me then.. Hes like mate get it cleared then stay away from EPA Stations and if the cops pull you over pull out all your paper work lol... Doesnt really bother me much as i dont drive the car much ive taken it out on a couple of skyline cruises and everynow and then city for a lap.. Its just running around like an idiot clearing shit .. i bet you guys these cops will never pull over any hotted up holdens they must really have it in bad for us jap boys..... And that guy at granville i swear man he went through the whole car ... im like hello im clearing my defects this isnt the Pits lol.... life goes on i guess...
  13. yeah i had a talk to a EPA Officer he called me from his phone i explained to him my situation.. Mind you he was the one who defected me at brighton.. He told me first he absolutely loved my car , I Was quick to ask him about my enginners report on filter noise.. i Had a bit of advice from Anthony ( GUILT-TOY , total champ..) Who said if you do a noise test on the filters and it passes Legally i wont have any worries When i mentioned this to the Epa officer he kind of studdered , BUT He kept his ground He actually even told me guys you can even cut your stock box to fit into your aftermarket piping then patch it up and stuff but i find it hard to believe a standard box will fit in after you made such adjustments, I even had a talk to my solicitor about this ( Yes i was that pissed off He told me your 50/50 Chance in court depends what mood the judge is in , So i thought to myself its not worth it. My cars Piping is being pulled apart as we speak going to put some stock items back on to pass this friggen test .... Its frustrating though all the guy has to do is take pictures of the box and it will pass then i wouldt most likely be putting everything back to normal hoping never to be pulled up by the epa.... i thank you aagin guys for all the help... i just hope noone goes through what ive gone through...
  14. My Neighbour at work did it for me he does exsausts it sounded like an excel when he finished with it , Yet the guy at granville still reved it up to like 6-7 rpm.. Trying to fail me but it didnt work... Jeff as you said he makes up numbers like if it was revving at 88 hed say to the guy 92 and im thinking in my head what the f*** is this guy on about ??? like im going to have to put some standard piping on to fit the standard airbox to pass .. what a headache..... luckily my friends car has been pulled apart....
  15. I useto have a 11 second rexy myself.. I now Own a R32 GTR AND A R34 GTR ..... I will never ever even look at a rexy again.. Plain and simple .....
  16. S 13 SKYLINE... I know when i clear all this stuff ill be fine because i will have all my papers ready for the police.. Only problem is you got to be careful of Epa stations.. im going to be extra careful...
  17. Guys i just thought id give you an Update on my Car .... I have passed my RTA Defect ( Blue Slip ) I have passed part of My EPA TEST Emissions test Done and i have Passed ( Thanx to hitman , That guy is a top bloke, Ive never met someone who spends so much time explaining things ) Noise Test For Exsaust ( Just passed It i think i got like 89 or something ) My waste Gate Arms - I dont know how im going to get it through this guys Head the arms arnt welded i put the screwdriver on the arm and i pushed it and the arms moves up and down which means its not welded , but he says The part it is connected to is welded so remove the weld clean it up i still dont get it but hey thats life My main Concern was After i got an engineers certificate For my Air filter Box which clearly states aftermarket Box built with cold air intake , They will noty pass it for me AT DECC , EPA Whatever they are.. My main concern is i passed the emissions test, i passed the noise test ??? Why cant they pass this box , On the defect it says Rectify Air filter noise , i did the noise test and i passed ... Yet they will not pass this aftermarket box even though i had it engineered tested , It went through emission testing ... I got in contact with the engineer happens to be ( TIC ) He says there isnt much he can do bout it because the decc makes there own rules the decc has stated they will only pass a standard box ?? wtffff??.. Guys isnt there anything i can do about this ??? Now for me to pass i have to get rid of all my aftermarket piping because standard airbox wont fit with all my aftermarket piping. Ive had to borrow my friends Standard parts, Intercooler pipes and Air box ( thank god hes doing a rebuild ) i worked out i can still use my power fc d jetro ill just disconnect AFM'S .. But i mean guys even beofre i do all this isnt there anything i can do ?? I Mean i paid this engineer to pass all this stuff for me and al is well except for this filter box ? has anyone got any ideas ??? By the way i am posting all this stuff as well for future purposes for other people so i can help them clearing there defects and giving them advice ... Guy any help ???
  18. Urgent i need one of thse guys.... Any1 ???
  19. If you want to know the driving experience come have a look at it bring a deposit and you will see for yourself .. im sure it will feel a whole lot better then you Rex...
  20. Whats that suppose to mean ?
  21. Man relax the hoons wont touch you.... Im leb myself i always have a chat with the aussie guys.. Some of those other lebs are smartasses but you ignore them .... As for crims i dont get it im friends with that many crims its not funny .. Most of them are normal guys .... Just make sure if you ever go to those areas take couple guys with you so you dont get intimidated....
  22. Call the guy.... you never know mabye hes in a good mood... Good luck .. I had the pleasure of driving this Car On the Wisemens Cruise For a while.. , Out of all the 34's ive driven...I Have never driven such a Smooth 34....
  23. Quick Note i engineered the car after i got Defected.... Mabye if i got it engineered before i wouldnt be having all these troubles
  24. Ive heard good things about fuji motorsports alot of my friends have bought cars from there....
  25. MRGTR911


    +1 For yeah GTR Im going through the same Sh*t i havent driven my car now for 3 weeks .... We have to do something about this ..... Lets make a Party in politics. Make a law were Modified Cars are LEGALLLLLLLLLLLL !!!!! That will be the day....
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