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Everything posted by autoworx

  1. coventrys
  2. if you can handle some wiring/connector swapping you can get a compatible bosch one very cheap . A24-621 115 68290 should be the one but confirm for yourself that was from google
  3. anyone should be able to tune a nistune , there very easy . give us a call for special sauwa tuning price
  4. we have 100cel metallic cats here if you have no luck
  5. raj had some good prices for his 2nd hand gear and the china stuff , not crazy cheap but not rip offs . He had a good collection of random stuff in that section upstairs which lots of wreckers don't keep , saved lots of people's asses heaps of times. at the end of the day a real shop can not compete with some kid sitting on ebay or the internet forums posting stuff out of his bedroom no problem if thats what you wan't but with a real shop you can go and get it on the day , look at , check it , if theres problems exchange it.
  6. was the car transfered over ok ? Did you pay the stamp duty ? We find around 15% of the cars don't transfer properly , they stay in the dealerships name , they transfer but become unregistered even with the stamp duty paid , they get transfered with the wrong details (rego, engine, chassis number) , they get transfered into random 3rd parties . its really a bit of mess we now recommend people take a copy of all the paperwork and if anything is wrong go down in person and have them sort it out on the spot . If you haven't received new rego papers within 30 days go down and see them and make them fix it then and there.
  7. s2 splitfires should be here early next week give us a call if your china coils don't work
  8. my old 4 door r33 with final konnexion kit was rolled today and is no more I haven't owned her in a couple of years but have a soft spot for the old girl please be careful tonight , the roads are very slippery
  9. I have seen so many people do this.........
  10. have had a couple of customers use these guys and they were happy http://www.vivagarage.com.au/homepage.html
  11. its pretty irrelevant what the compliance was like on a car done 5 years ago . most of it is servicing , testing , documentation . I wouldn't give to much weight to auction km either inspect the car , its condition is the most important thing . no good having a pig that has good service history. if you don't know what to look for get someone who does to check it. not saying service history isnt important , but sometimes cars look good on paper but in reality are not what they are cracked up to be . inspect thoroughly
  12. "my abs unit worked fine until you put brake fluid in it!" sigh........
  13. we are the official state distributor for them 1 left in stock if you hurry other wise next shipment arrives in a week or 2
  14. is eric an african guy ? and is it a series III silver GTR if so its a really really nice car
  15. my magic 8 ball says your tune will not go to plan! the 8 ball has sensed a disturbance in the injector connectors its friday arvo.......
  16. sounds like an air leak you even said it sounds like its sucking lots of air , probably is
  17. Australian Design Rule 13/00 – Installation of Lighting and Light Signalling Devices on other than L-Group Vehicles 6.2.9. Other requirements The requirements of paragraph 5.5.2. shall not apply to dipped-beam headlamps. Dipped-beam headlamps shall not swivel according to the angle of lock of steering. Dipped-beam headlamps with gas-discharge light sources shall only be permitted in conjunction with the installation of headlamp cleaning device(s) according to Regulation No. 45. In addition, with respect to vertical inclination, the provision of paragraph shall not be applied when these headlamps are installed. and In the case where a headlamp levelling device is necessary to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs and, the device shall be automatic. this is not a WA thing : For vehicles manufactured up until July 1989, the application of the ADRs is the responsibility of the state and territory governments. Vehicle users should consult with their state or territory transport authority for the Second and Third Edition ADRs that apply to these vehicles. For vehicles manufactured after July 1989, the application of the ADRs is the responsibility of the Australian Government under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989. there seems to have been a recent splurt of "knowledge transfer" among the inspectors and they are failing HID lighting again more than before
  18. +2 we have the trust ones in stock for 800$ they fit perfectly , have instructions , come with everything including a new washer bottle. If your DIY I would recommend this strongly , if you take your time and follow the pictures you can't really stuff it up with china , who knows what you will get . some are ok , some are totally wrong and need chopping and welding just to even begin to fit . Also they seem to come with really bad hose clamps that break or just don't fit and good clamps are expensive if you replace them all. honestly 800$ is not that much more than a china ebay one plus shipping . In terms of legality , if you chop your re-enforcement bar it may be deemed illegal especially if your remove it entirely . If you chop a hole in the chassis for the return pipe that may also be deemed illegal , particularly on a R34 which must meet stricter ADR's for front impact protection . This is a a bit of an uncertain one however as GTR's have the same hole for the return pipe. I have not heard of anyone defected for a return pipe hole but the pits love to defect hacked up re-enforcement bars.
  19. if you lived in nz and owned the car for more than 12 months the car comes in as a personal import you do not need to go through a RAW and we can not apply for the personal import approval on your behalf so contact the govt directly http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/roads/veh...cles/index.aspx
  20. customer : why is that R34 20k when its got a sticker on the bumper . shouldn't it be less? reply: the sticker can be removed if you do not like it . its not structurally integral to vehicle.
  21. any ecu will work the auto transmission is not controlled by the ecu like on the r34 you will lose timing retard on shift changes , shifting will be more abrupt . but if your getting a shift kit anyway it won't really mater
  22. thanks for the support guys! we are still trying to bring in nice r33s . we have indeed recently had a big rush on them and we are furiously looking to source some right now for the next shipment I have 4 left in stock though on a r33 I would not really recommend importing one . with shipping , taxes and compliance you will not save much more than buying one here . average nice 33 gtst would owe you about 12k landed and complied . you could pay a little more and get a nice one from a dealer , fresh compliance and rego , fully serviced , panel and paint and detailed. local private sales are an option but just be very careful , we see some awful cars that come into the workshop . some of them really take a hammering once they have been in the country for a while and gone through a couple of not so caring owners. I have one in here now and I don't think the oil has been changed in 18 months +
  23. half and hour labour + filter here more than that is getting jacked
  24. nistune FTW
  25. We don't stock auto sedans but you can import one for around 12k landed and complied
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