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Everything posted by Swordfish19792002

  1. Brand New Kumho's See sizes above. a low $2 400.00 and no more to pay !
  2. I have some 2x Bridgestone 235/45 /17 2x Kumho's same profile above
  3. hungry6 how much was the blitz one ?
  4. rb25, I like to see the finish product. Did u make that triple pod up youself to put the gauges in or did u buy it?
  5. Do u think I should get an oil pressure one aswell, since I only have a stock one on the dash at the moment. If I buy one, it might be more accurate than the dash one ? my car is standard at the moment, do u think I would need an oil temp one or maybe a voltmetre might be handy.....I was thinkin about riggin them up under the stereo... No pillar mounts as they are illegal so I heard
  6. Kumhos all round and Rimms 235/40 18" & 265/40 18"
  7. JimX, (1) When did Skylines go from the pull to push type clutch? >>> I think 1995 onwards....double check with Gavin Woods, labrador QLD first. (2) What is the standard clamping pressure of the normal factory clutch? >>> standard is 650-700kg (3) Can any Nissan dealer get these in for around that price? >>> Yes they can I think they were more expensiver of hand than Slacks Creek Brake & Clutch. I tried Nissan on the Gold Coast and I think they were $55 more or something....Can't remember though. Put get the part number first before u start ringin for prices.
  8. Red900ss, No I threw the box out....but u can get it from Slacks Creek Brake & Clutch (Speak to Geoff)
  9. What brand; Autometre ( are they accurate but? ) Spitfire ? VDO Actually I want one with a black background but with green dials and numbers. ? is it called ****pit vision or something? What should I be paying for it and how much do they charge for install. Or is it easy and can u do it yourself ? Thanks
  10. I'm putting all these rumors to rest.....; **************************************************** R33 GTST 1993, Manual THIS CLUTCH WILL ONLY FIT AN OLDER TYPE SKYLINE WITH THE PULL TYPE CLUTCH ON YOUR SLAVE CYLINDER. **************************************************** Now theres seems to a bit of confusion going on from the last posts about clutches. Back in May my clutch went....I researched around and sourced a new clutch. The clutch is rated at 1500kg, heavy Duty Daiken NISSAN PATROL CLUTCH. This clutch is interchangable with my Skyline and is half the price nearly. Different name on the box but its the same shit only different price. The clutch was worth $300.00 from SLACKS CREEK BRAKE AND CLUTCH (See Geoff) GAVIN WOOD installed the clutch and through out bearing & oil for $290 The feel of the clutch pedal is great. The position of the clutch pedal is great.........just like a new clutch is supposed to behave. When I drive it hard it doesnt slip or do anything stupid. I can drop the pedal at 3 g's and the back wheels light up pretty quick. I highly recommend it if you have a mild to standard liner. AND Its not 1.2 cm or 0.004mm off the floor !- Come on guys. Any further poblems or questions u can email me; swordfish19792002 @yahoo.com.au
  11. I'm putting all these rumors to rest.....; **************************************************** R33 GTST 1993, Manual THIS CLUTCH WILL ONLY FIT AN OLDER TYPE SKYLINE WITH THE PULL TYPE CLUTCH ON YOUR SLAVE CYLINDER. **************************************************** Now theres seems to a bit of confusion going on from the last posts about clutches. Back in May my clutch went....I researched around and sourced a new clutch. The clutch is rated at 1500kg, heavy Duty Daiken NISSAN PATROL CLUTCH. This clutch is interchangable with my Skyline and is half the price nearly. Different name on the box but its the same shit only different price. The clutch was worth $300.00 from SLACKS CREEK BRAKE AND CLUTCH (See Geoff) GAVIN WOOD installed the clutch and through out bearing & oil for $290 The feel of the clutch pedal is great. The position of the clutch pedal is great.........just like a new clutch is supposed to behave. When I drive it hard it doesnt slip or do anything stupid. I can drop the pedal at 3 g's and the back wheels light up pretty quick. I highly recommend it if you have a mild to standard liner. AND Its not 1.2 cm or 0.004mm off the floor !- Come on guys. Any further poblems or questions u can email me; swordfish19792002 @yahoo.com.au
  12. 46n2, See my previous posts. U have do some research first. The right places and the right people to talk to.
  13. Not too brag or anything, but I showed Gavin Wood at Labrador this Exedy Nissan Patrol Clutch from Slacks Creek. So he knows all about and he fitted it on my car. Tell him Gossy with the silver Skyline Gtst had u fit it.
  14. 4 Doorz, Now the Nissan Patrol Clutch is the same as any other new clutch. If it's new then yes it will release early on the clutch. My clutch is release about 2-3 cm off the floor. Its not a hard clutch either. My girlfriend drove it around one day and she didn't notice the difference. I do recommend u speak to Geoff at Slacks Creek and Gavin Wood at Labrador. He will tell u also...no different. If u come to the skyline cruise on Sat I will be there and if u want u check the clutch out.
  15. Thanks guys..I soughted the problem out. I got my clucth from Slacks Creek Brake & Clutch ($313.50 - 1,068kg H/D Daiken clutch)
  16. I can Confirm-14mm socket for the sump plug. If the plate inside the sump is broken, then I would do the same as SteveGSt suggested.
  17. I think Saturday is beeter though.... Sunday next day u gotta work...plus we may get to check the Saturday night girls out up North.
  18. hey qikr33, Haven't spoke to you for long time buddy whats up....? Heard you got new 4 door Skyline. We should go cruisin oneday. Hey how about we cruise up North oneday take the car for a spin...............................................
  19. I got my new clutch fitted.........here's the info.... 1. 1x Exedy Daiken Clutch (Slacks Creek Brake & Clutch) =$313.50 including GST 2. Installation, Gearbox oil, Fly wheel Machined, Spinnner bearing Replaced =$300.00 (Gavin Wood) My car drives and changes 100 % better now. Doesn't crunch anymore.....heaps sensitive on the clutch though. Clutch is still light to operate....pulls seconds and thirds harder !!
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