Hey guys,
I've been looking into getting some wheel alignment equipment for my home garage, because my car is too low to get on any machines in town, and I'm playing with it all too often to be paying all the time. With our new drift track nearby and my track car on a fast track to being running, I'm going to make good use from a home alignment system, working on other peoples cars too.
I have been looking into the hub plate style, like the accu-lign from mittler and bros and BBX Racing Hub Stands. I'm asking has anyone here used these style of wheel alignment equipment, and to what success? My main concern is I can't see how you could settle the suspension, after jacking the car up to fit the stands, ones lowered back down. And is the castor and camber measurements taken off another tool that is attached to the plate, like a spirit level style....?
Thanks, hope someone here can help me