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Proximity Motorsport

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Everything posted by Proximity Motorsport

  1. some cars drain more. if he has a immobiler and alarm etc it will drain. My old silvia only went 3 days without going flat
  2. i got 8kg front and 6kg rear springs... i run coilovers on around 6-8 clicks out of 16 for damper. Sway bars i cant remember sizes but its fattest front whiteline has and second fattest rear, both adjustable. Tyres are 235/40/r18 rear and 215/35/r18 front Application is street and some drift Anyhelp would be really good cause my local tyre shops have no idea about how to align a cars wheels for handling etc... only for keeping my car in a straight line when i let go of steering wheel
  3. yeah interested to knwo how your car handles now
  4. Well my car has adjustable rose joint rear lower control arms, adjustable rosejoint cusco camber arms, adjustable rosejoint traction rods and hicas lock bar, Tein HA coilovers and adjustable sway bars front and rear. Soon to be cusco castor rods, still dont know what kind of upper camber for front to get.. was thinking cusco but i cant find any for gtst only gtr. Also be getting new tie rods... also do not know what brand yet. also has a mini spool diff
  5. it was an extra $20 to get adjustable bars for me
  6. getting rid of it might not be the best idea as you can be defected for it.
  7. ok cantfind the pic i was after but this kinda helps http://album.hybridz.org/data/500/medium/DSCF3221.JPG yes it does go ontop of your standard bushes... just lower cradle down around 30mm or so but dont take it fully off... then slide in thespacer and tighten it up... thats why there is a slit in it to makeit slide in easier
  8. oh ok, so you are talking about rear cradle bushes yeah... one moment ill show you a pic that will help
  9. Well probably the most least looked at thing on alot of peoples cars are the wheels alignment. A good wheel alignment can completely change the feel of your car and make it handle twice as good. Just wondering if anyone here who seriously does suspension work and knows a bit about wheel alignments if you could please post a copy of your spec sheet or even just post it. Mainly for people with r32s
  10. probably cheaper to get a lock bar aye. But id be calling nisswreck or someone for a sensor
  11. www.nengun.com Sorry for stealing your sale but they are similar price but you can get cusco ones. If not get a bushkit??
  12. if you dont know what your doing best off to goto a wheel alignment place like fulcrum or pedders depending where you are. I dont get exactly what you meen?? Do you meen you cantget the stock bush out or something? Post some pics
  13. the 4 wheel steer tries to correct you when you are drifting and just f**ks around and aint good to drive on
  14. ok i know there is about 5 odd threads on how to remove hicas but they are hard to understand. I have disconnected the pump/whatever it is at rear of car and followed piping up to the hicas solenoid. Right before the solenoid where the 2 metal hoses go into it is what im guessing is powersteering cooler (alluminium piping infront of radiator goes in a big loop) .... well what im wondering is just before these 2 lines go into the solenoid... can i remove the solenoid and just join these 2 pipes together?? If need be i can post pictures but not till tonight. thanks for any help in advance
  15. whats the propellor shaft?? Fancy for tailshaft?
  16. www.nengun.com have a cusco relocation bottle
  17. R32 GTS-T will be available soon guys.. mine are leaving Mackay today to head down south to get made so he will have a template.
  18. Hey, I was thinking maybe this would be a goo sticky to have a calender of all the events on to do with drift drag or circuit including practice days. I was thinking of going to QLD Raceway early next year for a drift prac day but i cant find dates anywhere... can anyone help me out please thanks
  19. so the replacement engine in my r32 gtst rb20 must be out of an auto?? cause i have a throttle body with a place where i can put 2 cables if i need to but it only has one lol. i always wanted to know what that was for
  20. actualy autobahn are $20 more expensive each than SK but i need these urgently.. Im going in today to sort things out with them. I know a few guys who work there so i get it fairy cheap. I dont know about saving $60?? I know commodores are cheaper to buy for than skylines so maybe u have a diff make of car... i dont know... maybe you got lucky.... but me mate told me he cant do them for $189 cause thats prettymuch what they pay after they have it delivered to thre store. Anyways... i think i might get the fattest ones i can.. thanks guys
  21. hey, well i was going to buy some whiteline sway bars but the thread started on here wont get back to me so im going into autobahn tomoro to buy some. I was just wondering what size is best for drift... ive been told thick front good and slightly skiny rear and good traction.... but if i want to set up car for drift is fat rear good?? ANyone recommend some thicknesses for r32 gtst 4 door for front and rear whiteline sway bars. thanks
  22. i just want it for when i come home late or when cops come to do a "random" check on car. DOnt wana get defect for too loud and dont wanna make it quiet cause i like the way it is... might get evc
  23. hmmm,, to get one or not to get one.. has anyone got one with no cat??
  24. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...0&start=300 Hey mate, really need sway bars... please contact me asap.
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