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Proximity Motorsport

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Everything posted by Proximity Motorsport

  1. need TYPE A lockbar to suit r32. Please pm me price for delivery to qld $85 total?? and please pm me a approx delivery time and bank detsails. cheers
  2. not between lower control arm, camber arm, and toe arm (not tie rods that are on hicas.. they control toe but they are tie rods) If you have no idea what your looking at i can post a pic with all the names of diff arms
  3. should all be the same apart from hubs. They are the same camber and toe arms as s13 silvia and 180sx too
  4. Hey Well i got my rear cradle out to replace all the arms and cradle itself and clean everything and i was putting my coilovers (tein HA) back together and the Damper adjustment came loose... then a spring and a tiny ballbearing fell out.. i put them back into the hole.. but when i click it back together the top bit doesnt sit down and the spring keeps trying to pop out. I can still adjust dampening though?? And not sure but i know tein ss have 24 adjustable... do HAs have 26? cause im counting 26 clicks. Here are some pics.. u can just see the bearing in the pic.. not best quality but i used my phone also i got the bottom seat of height adjust undone but i cant budge top seat. I have soaked it in penatrene and tried C spanners to no luck.. so i tried a screw driver and hammer and no luck.. and i cleaned all the threads... any tips?? Cant just take them to fulcrum cause i like 1000km away from a fulcrum shop So does anyone know how to get it to sit properly? Is there meant to be a ballbearing on top and below the spring?
  5. thats crazy. Would be almost a 1:1 power to weight... 600hp .... 800 odd kilo car??
  6. thanks.. but id like to get some direct swap ones made for r32.. probably cheaper and easier on my behalf too. If i get desperate though.
  7. Hey, Ive searched all the sponsors and everything.. ebay etc but i cant find anywhere that sells r32 GTS-T Braided brake lines.. any help appreciated.
  8. I have a mini spool.. And i think the sump case on diff has a leak so i might get a new gasket and do the oil.. redline shockproof be suitable i guess?
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Redline-Light-weigh...1QQcmdZViewItem Just wondering there is 3 different redline oils... which one is best.. or what do the different ones do??
  10. wooohooo finally i found 10 yen under the carpet i had a little peak and i was lucky woohoo.
  11. Does anyone know if r33 gts-t seats are a direct swap into an r32 gts-t. I know the rears dont fit cause the brackets are smaller.. but what about front.. anyone know? cheers
  12. also thinking would it be worthwhile to put heat taepe around dump and front pipe? Or doesnt that do anything. I was thinking might keep gases hotter and flow better, also keep heat out of engine bay and away from abs at same time.
  13. we found a wrapper form something in japan under a 1/4 panel of a r33. Also got some yen under the carpet along with aussie Dollar.
  14. Hey, I have a custom 3" stainless exhuast on my car and it is from dump.. down to a fake cat straight through to a cannon. 3" with crab bends all the way. I was just wondering if it would be worthwhile to get a dump pipe for it. If it wont do anything.. tell me. Also are the ebay HKS Style dumps any good? Anyone had any issues with them??
  15. www.justjap.com They have kits if your on a budget. www.garage-13.com They have kits if you got cash
  16. yeah... this knob u talkign about is ur damper adjustment. Click them all to zero (anti-clockwise) then click them all to say 10 and make sure they even or will ride like crap. As for camber/pillowball tops. Camber tops are only available in Macpherson strut desings. Skyline does not have this (silvias do). You probably do however have pillowball tops (metal tops) Look under your bonnet at your coilovers.. or through the parcel shelf and there should be metal around that "knob" its probably purple/pink if its HKS. If you have this metal then congradulations u have pillowball tops. Realy only advantage of these are its a bit stiffer then the standard rubber/plastic tops. Also if you jack your car up and take your wheel off and look at ur coilovers you will see a seat below the ring.. it is two seats holding the spring up. If you dont have any "C" Spanners then get a screwdriver and hammer and u can loosen them by turning them and adjust the height of the car. But make sure you clean all the threads befor you go doing this or they will seize up and get stuck. As for servicing coilovers yes, yes you can have them serviced and it is approx $100-$150 each. Only do it if needed cheers
  17. try sponsors... i dont know if any on here sell them but i think on www.nissansilvia.com there is a sponsor who sells exedy kits. I too would assume it is your throwout bearing (clutch bearing or whatever). If you wanna replace your clutch and all while your at it might as well get a clutch, flywheel and quick release throwout bearing in a kit so they all work in conjunction with eachother. Either way id factor about $1500 parts n labour. good luck
  18. maybe a sanding disk for grinder and then a buff kit for a drill. They go into a drill like i drill piece but has a buff on it
  19. actually u would probably be better off to change it for that $70 and that peace of mind. Then think.. u wnt have to do it at 100,000km but 170,000km so never worry again!!! Your call. And not i cant answer your question sorry
  20. just wqent back.. got rear seats out. fully. I didnt find anything japanese Ill try under carpet hahaha I might do a google search on this air purifier.. got me thinking
  21. Hello, Please fast me HCR32-030962 If any other info reuired let me know. cheers
  22. an air purifier? How does that work. Is it worthwhile having? I Dont know if it even works. There is an earth cable that is hooked up to that huge plate that searates boot from inside and it travels up next to the purifier and it doesnt connect in though. Anyways any idea how to get it off? Needs to come out to get the shelf off... maybe i need to just rip everything out form under shelf in boot :S thanks mate
  23. also is there an easy way to get the rear seats out. They are clipped in down the bottom and i cant get the bottom half out. Got the top out.. But bottom is really in there. In a 33 i stripped we just pulled really hard and i dont realyl wanan do that to this car. In the silvia it had a tab i pulled nad came out easy.. but these not so easy
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