Hi guys and gals.
Here's the back story, Had my skyline yellowed and didn't have the time to get it off till recently (been bout a year).
The whole time the car was off the road i started it every other week to let it tick over (plus i love the sound)
Finally got it squared away and it passed the pits first time yay.
But just recently cylinder 5 has been cutting out WTF?
I narrowed it down to cylinder 5 by pulling out the plugs for each coilpack until the missing sound didn't change. I originally thought coilpack so
I changed pack 4 and 5 around but cylinder 5 still dropped out but 4 was fine. so i changed around the plugs same again. Sprayed all plugs, coils
and connections with contact cleaner still nothing.This is really giving me the shits as it happens on and off so im thinking either ECU or harness.
If anyone has had this happen to them, has an ideaor has a coilpack harness I can borrow to strike that from the list I'd love to hear from you.
Cheers people